Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - August 1900

Morning Star, August 6, 2000, pg. 5

Week prior to August 2: "Assaulted the Dog Warden. Warrants were given out last Thursday against William Ford, his wife and son, Earl, of Sheridan Township, on the charge of having assaulted Lewis Hardy, the dog warden of that township while in the discharge of his duties. They were arraigned that evening before Justice Smith and ordered under bonds of $300 each to appear for examination August 2.

It appeared that the trouble had arisen over the nonpayment by the Fords of their dog tax, which the warden had endeavored several times to collect without success. On Wednesday last he drove up to the Ford place, took the dog and tied it in his buggy with the intention of destroying it unless the license money was immediately forthcoming. The Fords came to the rescue, however, and in the struggle the warden’s horse became unmanageable and he lost the dog. In the excitement young Ford accidentally slashed the officer’s sleeve with his knife while endeavoring to free the dog.

On Saturday however, matters were arranged after consultation with Prosecuting Attorney Hatch by which the charge was lightened to that of simple assault. The Fords then pleaded guilty, and a fine and costs of $15 each was imposed."

"Found the Money Drawer. The money drawer of Roudenbush’s safe, stolen the afternoon that Pawnee Bill’s show was in Albion, was found Saturday morning in the rear of W. J. Sweeney’s place, where it had doubtless been thrown away by the thieves. A quantity of pennies, a key, and a couple of dray checks had been left in the drawer."

"Word has been received under date of June 20 from Shanghai, of the safety there of Dr. Lucy Hoag and Miss Mary Robertson, formerly of this city. They reached Shanghai from Chin Klang together with 26 of their scholars and two other missionaries. Miss Robertson writes that Minister Conger was warned repeatedly by missionaries in the north, especially by Rev. Arthur Smith, of the evil intentions of the Chinese government in regard to the Boxers, secretly conniving with this lawless band, but he had declared in reply that he had perfect confidence in the good intentions of the government to put down the Boxers."

"Lynn Bogue Hunt, the young artist who has been absent from this city for the past year as artist upon the Detroit Free Press, has several specimens of his ability in the August number of Sports Afield, as well as flattering mention of the same by the editor of that popular magazine. The cover, designed by Mr. Hunt, depicts trout fishing in the Nipigon, and in the making of the design the artist has drawn upon the unique experience which he enjoyed several summers ago, which in company with the scientific expedition of Albion College, he made a trip through that almost unknown region. Numerous other illustrations, many of them taken from life, are also found in this number, as well as in the July and preceding numbers."

August 16. "The Rummage Sale which the E.L.T. Club is conducting this week in the Sheldon block is proving a great success. Through the generosity of its friends outside of its membership, the club is enabled to increase its profits considerably." "The following item from the Washington Star will be of interest to the friends of Mr. Steele who is the son of William Steele [1831-1915, a local jeweler] of this city. Willis Steele of New York...is the author of several books of great merit with which Albion people are familiar and has been on the staff of the New York Daily News for some time."

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of the celebrated wildlife artist Lynn Bogue Hunt (1878-1960), who was an 1897 graduate of Albion High School. Thank you for all who are on the look-out for specific old Albion city directories for my Albion history archives, as per my request in the July 23 column. I am also looking for a copy of the 1894-5 pictorial "Souvenir of the City of Albion" by James Field. This booklet contains numerous clear, sharp photographs of downtown Albion and Albion houses at the time, and I could use a copy in my archives. Let me know if you’re willing to part with one.

Lynn Bogue Hunt

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