Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, March 5, 2006, pg. 11

It should make interesting driving this summer trying to get across town when both the N. Eaton St. and E. Erie St. bridges are being demolished and rebuilt, as well as the closure of the Berrien St. railroad crossing. From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of the plaque which once was mounted on the Eaton St. bridge. It states “Eaton St. Bridge. Built 1930 by City of Albion. Under Supervision of F.W. Culver, Mayor. Council: H.D. Keck, R.J. Frost, G.H. Baker, N.H. Wiener, G.W. Shideman, A.F. Schumacher. L.W. Lamb, Jackson, Contractor.”

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending March 15, 1906: N. Superior St. is to have a fine new building on the river. Fred Youngs will erect another store building just north of the Morse Clothing store. The Modern Woodmen are negotiating for the entire third floor, which will extend over both buildings. The iron work is already in Albion for the first two floors and these will be constructed just as soon as spring opens up.” [NOTE: This building collapsed in the Great Flood of 1908 two years later].

“Negotiations are on to start an iron foundry in Albion. Last night the city council voted to put the question to a vote of the people as to whether or not the city should remit taxes for 10 years on an iron foundry to be erected in Albion.”

March 22, 1906: “The proposed plans for a new high school building are completed, and are to be submitted to the people for approval or rejection on April 5 at a special election. If they are carried out, a bond of $18,000 must be voted. Present conditions: The high school has no one room that will hold the whole school, and three rooms are devoted to assembly. Students sit in recitation rooms or two in a seat, while additional seats have been placed in the aisles. 50 folding chairs are in use. The library is scattered through eight rooms, with no reading room at all. All science classes have to go outdoors around the building to get to their classrooms. The grade rooms in the west basement are small, poorly lighted, no ventilation, and superheated. The proposed new addition carries with it a new roof of slate, badly needed, a ventilating system, and large, light roomy quarters adequate to the needs of the large high school attendance.”

“Invitations for the wedding of Miss Caroline Mae Peabody to Mr. Edwin L. Sampson both of Denver, Colorado, have been received in Albion.”

March 29, 1906: “After a long rest, thieves descended on Albion last night and entered five places of business on Superior St. Afton A. Dibble’s clothing store was entered and about $25 worth of neckties, suspenders and socks were taken, besides 4 or 5 dollars from the cash drawers and several dollars from Mr. Dibble’s desk which was city money. McGuire Brothers were also visited. The thieves touched the till for $2.55. They also sampled several bottles of whiskey. George McGuire is feeling thankful that the thieves were so modest.”

Eaton Street Bridge Plaque


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