Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, September 17, 2006, pg. 11

Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 8 at 1:30 p.m. That’s the date for my annual guided tour of Riverside Cemetery. This year’s tour is called the “Magnificent View Tour.” More next week.

If your copy of my book “Growing Up in Albion” had pages or binding come apart/unglued, just bring it down to the Albion Chamber of Commerce to exchange for a wire spiral-bound copy. These open up all the way with no problem and hold together quite well. All books have now been spiral-bound and those returned will also be recycled that way.

We continue with our theme of “Albion 100 Years Ago.” Week ending September 6, 1906: “The restaurant next door to the State Bank has closed its doors. Norman McLeod, a baker working for Mounteer owned it and will probably close up the business.”

“Frank Wochholz has been making extensive improvements in his place of business on E. Erie St. A new steel ceiling has been added, the walls have been painted, new lights have been installed, and other changes introduced, including new bar fixtures. Herman Kopp has done the carpenter work and Will Burns the painting.”

Week ending September 13, 1906. “Brutal Deed of School Boy. Beats a 14 year old school girl and knocks her down. May be injured internally. From Marengo comes the story of an act of brutality on the part of a 13 year old boy which seems beyond all comprehension.”

“Malleable Iron Extension. The Company is pushing ahead with rapid strides. This year in addition to the houses built for their employees, a new shop building is being erected, just north of the present main building. It will cover three acres and this will all be in one big room.”

“John H. Wiselogel, of Springport, has invented a machine to cook pancakes and ice cream cones, and although new, the machines are meeting with considerable flavor. The Cook Manufacturing Company is making a few sample machines for the inventor.”

“One of the handsomest monuments and markers that have been put up in this section of the state for some time, is the one just erected in the Riverside Cemetery at Albion, by the firm of Barry & Barry and is for John G. Fox and family. The monument is very solid in design, of the sarcophagus style, and is of the finest Barre gray granite. It is one of the very best jobs in our cemetery.”

“Samuel A. Wilder and son are greatly improving the frontage on the race along Monroe St. The lowland is being filled and several residences will be built. A fine artesian well has been dug and the water is now flowing at a rate of 200 gallons per minute.”

Week ending September 20, 2006. “Screen Fight Ended. Agnews Draws out of Union Steel Screen Co. After Long Fight. Company Buys up Shares. At last the fight in the Union Steel Screen Co. has been settled, and the company can have a chance to “make good.” There has been considerable friction in the Screen company since the Agnews brought the plant to Albion.”

“Should anyone wish to study the peculiar habits and infant life of the mosquito, or the erratic gyrations of the lively ‘money bugs,’ there is no more convenient place than that part of W. Porter St. which lies next to Superior. Here the little embrio mosquitoes float in scummy water, undisturbed by such modern things as drains or street commissioners, awaiting the time when they may sally forth to feed on the fat of the land, or the lean, being no respecters of persons. And should any or all of these mosquitoes, after attaining full maturity, alight on the persons of the city administration, and bite them, causing them much scratching and discomfort, there will be many dry eyes along the south side of W. Porter St.”

Week ending September 27, 1906: “Charles Darling and Willard Wright of Albion, will open a laundry next Monday in the building formerly occupied by the Chinese laundry. Mr. Darling formerly resided in Marshall.”

“The examination of Frank Steincroff and Harry Watts, charged with the crime of taking money from George Miner last week, was heard before Justice Finch Saturday. Steincroff was discharged and Watts pleaded guilty to taking $10.”


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