Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - November 1911

Morning Star, October 30, 2011, pg. 14

From our this week once again we present an unidentified 50th anniversary couple from probably the early 1960s. Do any of our readers recognize who they are? If you do, give me a call at (517) 629-5402, or e-mail me at: Albionfp@hotmail.com.

Unidentified 50th Anniversary Couple

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago.” Week ending November 2, 1911. "Lake Shore Serves Injunction. City Forbidden to Lay Sewer Under Tracks, in Western Part of Town, for 15 Days, or Until Better Arrangements are Made. It was thought that the matter of laying the Black Ditch sewer under the tracks of the company, west of the Gale works, was fully settled and that the city could go ahead at once with the work. There are five tracks to be crossed by the sewer. The city will endeavor to finish the job in a manner that will be pleasing to the Lake Shore.”

"Milo D. Kimmel of Lee Twp. Has filed suit for divorce in the circuit court from his wife Carrie, after a married life of but five months duration. He alleges cruelty, claiming among other things, that his wife threw three knives and forks at him upon one certain instance.”

"Recent improvements instituted by the Lake Shore in their Albion depot have transformed it into a structure which while perhaps not as modern as it should be, is still a very convenient and serviceable building for the purpose for which it was erected. The partition which formerly separated the men’s and women’s waiting rooms has been removed, making the two rooms into one.”

"Frank Darrow, who holds forth behind the counter in the Gale Hardware store, has perfected an apparatus which will save weary fishermen many an hour of exertion and anxiety after a long day spent along the trout streams or near the lake haunts of the gamey black bass. It is a folding reel on which to wind wet fish line after a day’s angling for the purpose of drying them.”

Week ending November 9, 1911: "Merriman Leaves Allith-Prouty Co. Goes to Jackson Dec. 1. With Hayes Wheel Co. Albion Factory to Move after Dec 1st. Alvin Dice, secretary of the old Prouty Company is the only member of the Albion executive force who has definitely decided to go with the new company to Danville, IL.”

"The terms offered the city by division superintendent Reynolds of the Lake Shore in the matter of the Black Ditch sewer, were that the railroad for the sum of $200 would agree to take all responsibility for the strengthening of the tracks while the digging of the sewer was going on under them.”

"The board of education at its regular monthly meeting Wednesday evening awarded the contract for the installation of the new seats in the Charles Austin School to Theodore Kundtz of Cleveland. The exact number and the size have not yet been determined upon.”

"Two marriage licenses in which the girl gave her age as 16, were secured at the county clerk’s office in Marshall on Wednesday. One license was issued to Roy Bowersox age 19 and Reba Anderson age 16, both of Homer. Mr. Bowersox came to the county seat several days ago to get the license but he was refused as he did not have an affidavit from either of the girl’s parents granting permission to wed. He returned Wednesday however with the proper credentials. Another license was issued to Byron Sanders of Burlington age 19 and Ilah A. Lake of Union City, age 16.”

Week ending November 23, 1911. "Passing of Albion Pioneer. In the death of Mrs. Julia (Peabody) Crane Albion loses it’s oldest pioneer. Her parents Mr. and Mrs. Tenney Peabody in 1833 set out with ox teams and wagons for the wilds of Michigan. Mr. Peabody and his family arrived at the site of the present city of Albion March 4, 1833 and the excellent location of the land at "the Forks” caused them to seek no further for a home but to settle down at once. Julia Peabody was married to Marcus H. Crane. Albion is greatly bereaved at the death of this fine old lady.”

"Several of the men interested in the promotion of the proposed Albion-Charlotte electric line were in the city Tuesday.”

Week ending November 30, 1911: "The Albion City Hospital will not close its doors. This seems to be assured, as a number of prominent businessmen have said it must not be. Said one, "We’ll keep the hospital going if we have to go out with a club.”

"Wilcox to make planes in China. Ray Wilcox, the young man who has been making aeroplanes on his father’s farm east of Albion, has signed a year’s contract with the rebel government of China to make and keep repaired aeroplanes for us in the Chinese War, now in progress.”


Next 100 Years Ago Article: December 1911

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