Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - JUNE 1912

Morning Star, June 3, 2012, pg. 9

We begin with one of those unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photographs from our Historical Notebook files from probably the late 1950s. Do you know who this couple might be? If so, contact me at my e-mail Albionfp@hotmail.com or give me a call. [It was identified as Amelia (1887-1968] and William [1881-1957] Moss, married March 21, 1907. March 1957 photo identified by daughter Lorene Humphrey.]

Unidentified 50th Wedding Anniversary couple

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending June 6, 1912. "Albion City Bank Forced to Quit. Director William Bemer makes the announcement that the organization which has labored all winter to provide a series of open-air concerts upon the city streets this summer will be compelled to temporarily disband, as there are too few men available for places in the organization to keep it going."

"A.E. Ellerthorpe of Jackson, one of the three men who have bought the old right of way between Albion and Charlotte known as the "Duck Lake Road," was in Albion Monday looking after the interests of the new company. He says the road will be running cars to Duck Lake in August. The plan outlined is to start from here and lay the rails toward Charlotte, twenty-two miles away, putting on gasoline cars to take care of the passenger and light freight service as soon as the road is completed to Duck Lake."

"Civic League Against Spitting. Mrs. Walker, the speaker of the evening, laid great stress on the necessity of enforcing the anti-spitting ordinance as a preventative of the spread of disease."

"The cigar factory at 309 S. Superior St. operated by August Baader was moved Saturday to the barn near Mr. Baader's home, 109 E. Walnut St."

"The checks for the depositors of the late Albion National Bank representing the first dividend of twenty percent have been made out and sent to Washington, and as soon as the Comptroller of the Currency places his signature upon them and returns them to receiver Irwin, they will be distributed."

"Among the other improvements planned by Frank E. Nowlin for his recently purchased property fronting on Clinton and Michigan Sts is the placing of the old European Hotel building and the Towers house one on each side of the residence formerly owned by Albert Schwere, on Clinton St."

Week ending June 20, 1912. "Harry Ellerby, of this city, will play third base for the Springport Shamrocks this year, as he has done for several years past."

"Farmers Not Responding. Farmers along the line and in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Albion and Charlotte railroad are not subscribing readily it is said, to the enterprise, although the promoters are looking for $40,000 in exchange for bonds in the new company."

"Businessmen Rap Telephone Co. About 40 members of the Business Men's Association met in their hall Friday evening to discuss the 25% raise of rates just issued by the Michigan Telephone Company."

"Pretty Wedding Saturday Morning. Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock in the presence of relatives, Miss Mary Dickie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickie, was united in marriage to Alvis E. Gillett of New York City at the Dickie residence on East Erie St."

"John Fox, who has made of Montcalm Lake, just west of the city, on the interurban, one of the pleasantest little reports in this vicinity, complains that many of the picnickers who like to use his grounds are becoming careless as to the selection of materials for their fires, and are using lumber and wood belong ti him."

"Clem Frye and Dean Thompson, two Albion boys, had a very narrow escape Sunday when riding their bicycles to Homer. As they were being passed by an automobile it served to the side of the road toward them, catching the pedal of Frye's wheel and throwing him violently to the ground."

Week ending June 27, 1912: "Archie Mount was complained against Friday by Robert Cascarelli, the fruit man, who claimed that he had struck one of the Cascarelli children with his whip. In Justice McCutcheon's court he was allowed to go under suspended sentence, upon the filing of a bond to keep the peace. The charge against him was assault and battery."


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