Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, July 29, 2012, pg. 10 From our Historical Notebook this week we start off with one of those unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photographs from the late 1950s or so from the Albion Recorder photo archives. If you know the identity of this couple, please e-mail me at, or call at (517) 629-5402. Thank you for your help. We've been very successful in identifying these over the past several months. Unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photograph (George and Luella (Clawson) Deyoe) We continue with our theme of "Albion—100 Years Ago." Week ending August 1, 1912. "Washington Park now Crowell Park. The park on Baptist Hill surrounding the city water tower, which has been known as Washington Park for a number of years past, will in the future to be known as Crowell Park, the common council passing a resolution to that effect at their meeting last evening. This is only one of a number of things being consummated of late to perpetuate the name of Jesse Crowell, Albion's revered pioneer and one-time leading citizen whose memory cannot be kept too fresh in the minds of Albion citizens on account of the great number of acts he performed for the public good, in this community, the performance of some of which caused him to die almost in poverty. He presented the land at present included in the park which will in the future bear his name." "Color photography locally introduced. The first real color photography ever seen in this part of Michigan is being exhibited by D.M. Bennett, proprietor of the Bennett Studio, Cass and Superior Sts." "A woman from the Malleable settlement, Mrs. Apolona Amaluk, by name, came running downtown Tuesday afternoon, her infant in her arms and tears running down her cheeks. She went into the Rosenthal store, and weepingly stated that the baby had been killed by her husband, Polonia Amaluk. Under Sheriff Mallory, who was called in, hustled the mother and babe to a physician's office where the infant, which had only been unconscious, was restored to consciousness. Mrs. Amaluk told the officers of an altercation she and he husband had indulged in, at their home in House No. 23 at the settlement, stating that he had thrown thee baby on the floor in a moment of great anger. Amaluk appeared before Justice McCutcheon, with assault and battery as the charge against him." [August 8 edition] "Amaluk…plead guilty. He was fined $50 and costs of $11.55 which he paid." Week ending August 8, 1912. "Coal Mining to be Started Soon. It is learned that a Jackson company has started work on a new coal shaft on the farm of Albert Youngs, two miles north of the city, on the Clark St. road, and that, those backing it are moving machinery to the place with the intention of starting to remove coal sometime this fall." Week ending August 15, 1912. "The construction work on the new gas container for the Albion Gas Light Co. was completed yesterday, and will be ready for operation within a few days. The giant tank will contain over 100,000 cubic feet of gas, and is over 80 feet in height." Mrs. Sue M. Crandall, formerly of this city but now residing at Monrovia, California, is visiting at the home of James C. Eslow, her cousin, where she will receive her old friends and acquaintances." Week ending August 22, 1912. "Miss Addie Hollon, who completed her term of four months in the Detroit House of Correction Friday, for complicity in the forgeries perpetrated by H. M. Dearing and P. M. Dearing which resulted in the wrecking of the Albion National Bank, returned to Albion Monday evening. Miss Hollon does not intend to make Albion her future home, but will go to Marshall, where she will live with her brother, who resides there." Next 100 Years Ago Article: September 1912 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic