Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, September 30, 2012, pg. 8 Albion has lost one of its pillars with the death of Mary Cram. Yours truly had the honor of working with her on a couple of historical projects, including my book about Homestead Savings Bank in 1989. She truly left her positive mark on our community, and will be greatly missed. In our series of unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photo couples from the late 1950s or so we ran over the past year, we were successful in obtaining identifications of each, except one couple. We’re going to give them another try this week. From our Historical Notebook this week is that unidentified couple. If you know who they might be please let me know. Call me at (517) 629-5402, or send the information to my e-mail:
We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending October 3, 1912. "Owen Brownell of Battle Creek was in the city Tuesday. Mr. Brownell, a former Mayor of this city [Albion] and very well known here, is interested in a concern which is just being organized for the manufacture of machines for the making of bread wrappers used very extensively by all the large bakeries in the country." "Another row in the foreign settlement Sunday resulted in a badly bruised cranium for Paul Bizlik, who was struck by a beer bottle in the hand of Fred Woznovich. Both the men are laborers. Bizlik secured a warrant for his compatriot’s arrest Monday." "The dead body of a young man which was found in the depot at Grover [NOTE: southeast of Homer] Saturday September 21, was given interment without having been identified. After the remains were taken to Homer an attempt was made to locate relatives of the boy. Many people sent inquiries from all over the country but none of them tallied with the description of the dead man. He was buried in Homer several days ago." Week ending October 10, 1912: "The First Michigan Engineers and Mechanics, of which Dr. Willoughby O’Donoughue of this city, is president, held its annual reunion at Lansing yesterday." "Big Sewer Great Credit to City. The old Black Ditch, which for decades carried off spring and surface water from the western part of town, is no more, and in its place due to the initiative and progressiveness of present and past city officials, has been constructed over a mile of trunk line sewer, which will be a monument for generations to come for those who were responsible for its construction. The dispatch with which William Porr, the sewer commissioner and his men have accomplished the construction of the sewer has been remarkable." Week ending October 10, 1912. "Mayor McCarty stated that he thought the greater part of the people in the city were unaware that they could take advantage of the system of garbage collection established recently." "Norman Wiener who recently sold his property on the east side of Clinton St. to Frank E. Nowlin, has purchased the tract of land on the west side of the street, the site of the old handle factory which was recently razed, and has started the construction of a large brick building for the housing of his junk business. Mr. Wiener expects to get into his new quarters before the winter starts in earnest, and in the meantime he will utilize his present place of business, west of the Hurley Block." "Bull Moose Rally First in Albion. The first Bull Moose rally ever held in Albion occurred Thursday night in the Opera House, with an audience of a little over 200." "About 50 boys met Monday night in the high school room for the purpose of organizing a YMCA. Principal McDiarmid, who will be at the head of the association in Albion, explained the nature of the courses that are to be given." "One Director of Cook Company Settles. The creditors of the defunct Cook Manufacturing Company, the concern that went broke last January because of the speculations of Henry M. and Palmer M. Dearing, will reap the benefit of an act of Isaac L. Sibley, one of the directors of the company at the time it failed…Mr. Sibley, after consulting with Receiver John A. Rathbone, of the Cook Company, settled the matter out of court by handing Mr. Rathbone a check for $1,000 which sum was sufficient." Next 100 Years Ago Article: November 1912 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic