Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, June 9, 2019, pg. 3 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." June 2, 1919: "The Union Steel Products Company, already the largest factory making its line of goods, broke ground today for a two-story addition, 80 by 100 feet. The new addition faces on Berrien St. and extends east 100 feet." June 5, 1919. "James Ellis, colored, was found guilty in Justice Wright’s court on assault and battery on the person of Albert Bohm of the Censor Theatre and was fined $10 and costs." "A. E. Scribner, pickle man of Marshall, was in the city yesterday. He will receive cucumbers here again this year." June 6, 1919. "J. C. Whitney of Jackson, for many years a resident of the city, was calling on Albion friends Wednesday. Mr. Whitney built the Eslow Block on the corner of Superior and Porter streets, and a lot of other buildings in Albion, and is well known to the older citizens." June 9, 1919: "After almost nine years as business manager and part owner of the Albion Evening Recorder, Arthur C. Hudnutt has sold his interest in the business and will retire to other fields…Information is given out of the sale by A. C. Hudnutt of his half interest in The Record to Walter S. Kennedy and the resale of an interest to Richard and Joseph Baldwin." June 10, 1919: "Colored people of Albion are planning for a big Masonic peace celebration at Lansing August 1. One of the features of the day will be a ball game between the Albion Giants and the Lansing Giants. Rev. S. S. Harris of this city will be the speaker of the day. Miss Mary Wilson of Bethel Baptists Church and Miss Estella Thomas of the A. M. E. Church will be candidates for queen." June 12, 1919: "With much anticipation the members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church are looking towards the commemoration of its 50th anniversary which will be observed next Sunday, June 15." June 13, 1919: "The most destructive fire Albion has seen in months did thousands of dollars’worth of damage in the Park Block about 5 o’clock this morning. The fire started in Dr. W. T. Morrison’s office and completely ruined this. Water and smoke did great damage to the Ludwig Store. Dr. Morrison had not been in the office since Thursday noon." June 16, 1919. "Montcalm Lake claimed a drowning victim Sunday afternoon about 1:45 when M. Lambus Davenport, colored, met death in its waters. The victim of the sad accident was 19 years of age and single. He came here from the south only six weeks ago and roomed at 308 Washington St. Very little is known of his family. For the past week he had been working for Perry Sharp and before that was employed at the Malleable." "In an alleged attempt to secure $375 of extra salary and bonus to which he is said not to be entitled, Superintendent Lucius W. Fast, who has been in charge of the Albion Public Schools for the past three years, has made a number of sensational charges against the school board. Sup’t Fast stated that the extra money, beyond his usual year’s salary, was for extra time put in on account of the flu epidemic which lengthened the school year and for a bonus given to teachers during the year who have done A and B work." June 25, 1919: "Dr. Fall Resigns College Position. [College trustee meeting news] One important item was the acceptance of the resignation of Dr. Delos Fall, dean for many years of Albion College. Dr. Fall came to Albion in the fall of 1878 from Flint. He has filled the chair of chemistry most acceptably for 41 years and has also found the time to interest himself in Albion’s public affairs to their betterment." June 26, 1919: "The Financial-Insurance News of Los Angeles, California, devotes half its front page to an article and a half-tone picture of James Sheldon Riley, from which it is easy to believe that the former Albion boy ranks pretty high among the leaders in southern California." June 27, 1919: "Will Start the Chamber of Commerce Drive. Active work to ensure the establishment of a live Chamber of Commerce for Albion and vicinity, with membership open to all in the community, will be started at once."We congratulate the Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce on its 100th anniversary this month. Next: WILLIAM J. PORR, PLUMBER AND CITY SEWER INSPECTOR Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic