Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - OCTOBER 1921

Morning Star, October 3, 2021, pg. 3

On Sunday, October 10 from 1 to 4 pm is the annual Open House of the Duck Lake history and genealogy group, to be held at the Clarence Township Hall 27052 R Drive North just east of Duck Lake. There will be several historical and genealogical groups there with historical displays. If you need genealogical help, experts will be happy to help you out at the research table with their online computers and databases. I’ll see you there!

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Oct. 1, 1921: "There are at least a half dozen cases of the dreaded malarial fever in Albion at the present time. Its spread is accompanied by a certain species of mosquito."

Oct. 3, 1921: Interview with Floyd Starr. "Asked what the secret of his success was, Mr. Starr replied: "There is no secret about it and no mystery. I have succeeded with my boys simply because I have trusted them and loved them as if they were my own sons. I simply do not believe that there is such as a bad boy…"

Oct. 6, 1921: "Clarke Barrell has practically completed his new farm residence to replace the former Parkinson place, just east of the Bath Mills school on the Concord Road which was destroyed by fire caused by lightning last spring."

"W.C. Hammond recently unearthed two baby’s hands and one foot while digging in the old gravel pit near the Fisher schoolhouse in Homer Township."

Oct. 11, 1921: "Marcus Beilfuss, of W. Ash St., arrested last week on a charge of passing a fraudulent check at the L. L. Avery grocery store and believed to be responsible for over $200 worth of spurious paper passed on local merchants within the past two years, pled guilty before Judge Walter H. North in circuit court in Battle Creek today."

"Three men attacked John Taber of 1228 Adams St. at a shack on a farm owned by him two miles southeast of the city near what is known as ‘Dunk’s Cove’ this afternoon after 2 o’clock and after a terrible fight with Taber, succeeded in getting away with $150 in cash."

Oct. 13, 1921: "William Wolcott and Clyde Hawkins, charged with assault and robbery from the person their victim being John Taber of Albion, were arraigned before Justice Smith in Marshall last evening."

Oct. 14, 1921: "Roswell Strong of the Homer Furnace Company has asked the editor of the Homer Index to correct any false statements which appear to be floating around in regard to the financial condition of the company and the health of one of their senior members, S. D. Strong. Both the concern and Mrs. Strong are well, financially, physically, and mentally."

Oct. 15, 1921. "No less than seven college presidents and former college presidents will be among the speakers at the inauguration of President Laird of Albion College on October 25 and 26."

Oct. 26, 1921. "Dr. John Wesley Laird is now formally president of Albion College. The program which opened at 10 o’clock was heard by an audience which packed the large auditorium and gallery. Miss Alice Vernice Gay presided at the organ and her prelude was followed by an anthem by the Mendelson choir and orchestra."

Oct 27, 1921: The contract for the erection of the new union freight house for the Michigan Central and the New York Central on Clinton St. has been let to the Ashley Construction Company of Battle Creek it was learned from an official source today. The company started work today, sending a surveyor and, several men to Albion to stake out the site for the new building."

Oct. 31, 1921: "Mrs. E. J. Mallory went to Ann Arbor about 10 days ago for an X-ray examination, following a several attack of appendicitis in August. The examination revealed an impacted tooth, a wisdom tooth high in the upper jaw leading down into the roots of another tooth. The doctors said she was getting an infection which was poisoning her entire system and accounted for much of her ill health problems."


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