Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, August 29, 1999, pg. 4

We all know that Albion's first settler was Paul Tenney Peabody, who with his wife Eleanor (Thompson) brought his family here in the spring of 1833 an erected a simple log shack thatched with marsh grass. Thus were the beginnings of the settlement here at "the Forks." Tenney and Eleanor had a large family, and had numerous descendants.

Recently this past July 20, a descendant of Tenney Peabody via the line of his son David Peabody (1823-1873) and his wife Mary Ann Grosvenor (1827-1854) came here from her Illinois home to visit the gravesites of her ancestors. Megan (Devlin) Petty (b. 1961) returned here (She visited here in 1989) to meet with this writer and to learn more about her heritage. I was able to give her a tour of the Old Section of Riverside Cemetery and show her the gravesites of her ancestors.

The daughter of Shaun Devlin, Megan's grandmother Alice Beaumont (Peabody) Devlin (1913-1933) was the daughter of Horace Baxter Peabody (1879-1944), the son of George Grosvenor Peabody (1853-1902). George was a son of David Peabody. Megan's Grosvenor ancestral side of the family is also impressive, but space prevents us from relating the details here.

Genealogical details aside, the David Peabody line made their mark in Albion's early history. The Peabody line made their mark in Albion's early history. The Peabody Block located on the southwest corner of Superior and Erie Streets (erected in 1852) is still standing today. The location of the Peabody Place senior citizens apartments was once the site of the home of David Peabody that was demolished in 1967. It was David who operated a water-powered mill along S. Monroe Street, and the so-called "Peabody-Gothic" millrace that now ends at the Monroe/Porter Streets intersection is what remains of this Albion landmark today.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of Megan (Devlin) Petty standing next to the grave of her great-great-great-great-grandfather, Tenney Peabody, Albion's first settler.

Megan (Devlin) Petty at her great-great-great-great-grandfather's grave


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