Gallery of Historical Albion

There will be some changes made to this display as time goes by. If you have any comments or suggestions for images to add or remove, please send email to me at

If you have any images to donate, hopefully with a story to tell, please contact Frank at

Gar Dickerson Conducting the Albion City Band

August 1, 1927 Emancipation Day in Albion

The Malleable Girls

Nikodimas Kulikauskas (Mike) with Fish in 1955

Order of the Arrow Award sash, worn by Bobby Parker, circa 1940

Gathering at the home of John and Mary Harry sometime in the 1920s

The Jolly Albion telephone operators, posing on January 17, 1921

1919 panoramic photograph of Albion World War One Veterans

Albion Malleable Iron Company baseball team, circa 1910

Irate Depositor Meeting at Opera House

The Benham Family Reunion in 1912

Cartwright Shoes, 221 S. Superior St. in April of 1954

Dress-Up Day 1926

Erie Street around 1910

Albion Farmer's Picnic in 1908

Linden Avenue during the 1908 Flood

Downtown Albion After the Flood of 1908

1944 Albion Merchant Girls Softball Team

The Malleable Core Room child workers, circa 1908

John Oakes first birthday party, on East Erie Street

Pizza Pete's Storefront

The Republican Elephants, sometime in the 1900's

The Waterfall at Victory Park Dam

1:21 PM 1/1/2012