Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - September 1900

Morning Star, September 3, 2000, pg. 15

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We continued with our 100 years ago theme. Week prior to September 6, 1900: "City Marshal Schumacher was quarantined at his home the latter part of the week on account of a possible case of diphtheria in his family, the patient being his little son. Deputy Sheriff Graham attended to his police duties during his enforced absence." "A special meeting of the school board was held Tuesday morning to consider the propriety of postponing for a week the beginning of the school work for the year on account of the presence of diphtheria in the city." "The third death took place Saturday from among the members of the Griffin family who were taken sick with typhoid fever after attending the family reunion held near Springport on August 3rd, Scott Griffin being the victim. Eighteen more members of the family are very sick."

Eckford area news. "Communication with our village from the north will probably be cut off for the next two weeks. The highway commissioner has let the contract for a stone arch bridge across Wilder Creek, to Charles B. Mead. It is hoped that he will build it high enough and wide enough to accommodate the new drainage canal which he proposes to make of the present Wilder Creek ditch regardless of the wishes of the people whose land it passes through." "Eckford claims to have the champion sparrow catcher of the state. Frank Pease has killed 5,300 of the pests this summer, for which he gets a bounty of two cents each."

Week prior to September 13: "Word has been received by relatives of Miss Mary Robertson, who was in danger from the boxers in the Shantung district in China, that she was about to leave Shanghai for Japan. Miss Robertson was formerly preceptress of the Albion High School." "William Mounteer & Son of Charlotte will open a bakery, restaurant and candy store in the Warner [Peabody] Block, corner of Superior and Erie Sts, the first of next week."

September 27: "The following books are missing from the city library and no trace of them can be found upon the recorded lists of books drawn: Caleb West, Drass, Prisoners and Captives, and Knights of the Nets." "The Banner Laundry, owned and operated by Charles E. Burnett, is doing a thriving business." "Mayor Dalrymple is building cement steps and walk to his residence on Pearl St." "A. T. Winchell has placed cement over the entire tops of the graves on his lot at Riverside Cemetery. He has also placed a new monument there."

"Rev. Dr. W. A. Hunsberger, of Trenton, N.J., son of a former pastor of the M.E. Church in this city, has recently preached a sermon against the stage and the men and women upon it which has aroused the profession to indignation and to an expression of strong dissent from his opinions. The Sunday Chicago American contains a few letters in which one actress says, ‘The well paid minister who would attack an actress is, in my opinion, a coward.’"

"The case of John Ott vs. the Taylor Construction Co., which was tried at Marshall last Thursday was decided in favor of Mr. Ott, who sued to recover store accounts made with Albion merchants during the work upon the Toledo & North West road-bed [Albion to Charlotte railroad]."

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