Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, July 1, 2001, pg. 2 We continue with our theme of Albion 100 years ago. Week ending July 4, 1901: "Deutscher Verein. Celebrates the 4th in Fine Style. Albion Full of Germans. Otherwise a Quiet 4th. Duck and Spectacle Lakes attracted some. Others went to neighboring towns." "Albion will soon be the gainer of a large and important industry which will mean much to our city both at the present time and for the future...The industry referred to is the T. C. Prouty company of Midland, Michigan, manufacturer of door hangers. The company will occupy the Keenan & Hess plant situated in the eastern part of the city [note: actually it was outside the city limits on Clark St. where Lonergan/McGraw Edison later located]...T.C. Prouty who is the originator of this industry is not unknown to Albion people. He was at one time a student at Albion College, and his father Rev. Mr. Prouty, was formerly pastor of the Marengo church." "On Saturday afternoon at about 4 o’clock a large balloon will be sent up from the top of the opera house block." "J. Q. Baird, of Chicago, the civil engineer for the company that proposes to build a railroad from Albion to Charlotte, received a telegram...stating that he would come to Charlotte Monday...The new line when completed will connect with the Grand Trunk tracks at Charlotte." "At a special meeting of the council held on Tuesday evening, a resolution was passed establishing the district of the East Porter St. sewer, and the same will be advertised for two weeks according to law. The cost of the sewer will be assessed according to the frontage. Although the college property is not assessable, the college authorities have volunteered to pay their part." "Modesta Romero, one of the Cuban students at Albion College, left Saturday night for his home in Havana, Cuba, where he will spend his summer vacation. A brother will return with him in the fall to attend college here. The rest of the Cuban colony, seven in number, will spend the summer here." July 11, 1901: "Dr. Keeler, an old resident and prominent physician of Concord, died at that place on Sunday of paralysis. He was widely and favorably known throughout this vicinity." "The city marshal is the only one allowed the privilege of riding a bicycle upon the sidewalk according to a recent action of the city council." July 18, 1901: "Quite a scare was caused at Duck Lake Saturday. Several Springport people purchased pressed meat of local dealers and a short time after eating it, were taken deathly sick. A doctor was called and by hard work brought them out all right." July 25, 1901: "And Still Another. New industry to be added to Albion’s List. Cook Gasoline Engine Works. Work to Commence at once. For some time plans have been quietly maturing which brings to Albion one more industry. This time it is a gasoline engine which will be manufactured at the plant of the Union Windmill Company. The Windmill Company is to be re-organized, its stock increased and this new industry included. The inventor and patentee of this gasoline engine is James H. Cook of Homer...Several of Mr. Cook’s skilled machinists will accompany him from Homer but the remainder of those employed will come from the ranks of Albion’s laborers. "Saturday was a lively day in Albion. In addition to the usual number upon our streets the cake walk of the colored beauties who performed at the minstrel show in the evening drew a large crowd." "Homer is torn up over a church choir scandal involving some of the prominent citizens of the place. One of the members of the choir announces through the press that he will give $25 to any man or woman, financially irresponsible, who will make affidavit to the truthfulness of any of the statements being circulated, and $100 to any financially responsible man or woman who will make a similar affidavit. Neither of the rewards have thus far been claimed." Next 100 Years Ago article: AUGUST 1901 Next: BILLINGHURST SCHOOL All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic