Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Morning Star, January 6, 2002, pg. 16

We continue with our theme of Albion 100 Years Ago. Week ending January 2, 1902: “They want a sewer. Another petition was presented to the council Monday night by those who want an Erie St. sewer and claim that they have a stronger right to have their wishes gratified than those who sent in a remonstrance.” “The jury to award damages for the extension of Ann St. and Dalrymple Boulevard have awarded F. S. Doud $42, Jacob F. Escher, $70.50, and John Finley $200.” “The 24 jurors chosen to appraise the property for the extension of Ann St. and Dalrymple Blvd. went to Marshall Thursday to be sworn and to receive instructions from the judge.”

“At the last meeting of the Freundschaft club the following were the successful prize winners in the progressive pedro game. 1st prize was won by Mrs. Albert Baerman and the booby prize by Minnie Baader. Gentlemen’s 1st prize was won by Fred Zick and the booby prize by Joseph Porr..” “Yesterday at noon in Toledo occurred the marriage of Miss Ruth Brockway to Mr. Frederick Ernest Bullard, both of that city. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s step-father, Rev. J. N. Avann, and was followed by a wedding breakfast. The young couple will reside in Toledo.”

January 9, 1902. “New Telegraph Poles. The Postal Telegraph Co. is going to take down the old telegraph poles through the city and erect new ones in their place.” “Efficient Postmaster Reappointed. Recognizing the fact that Mr. Frank Irwin has served this city most efficiently as postmaster during his first term, Congressman Washington Gardner has recommended his appointment for a second term.” “It cost Bart Romans a fine of $5 and costs for leaving his horse hitched on the street over five hours. He was arraigned before Justice Smith.” “Piles are being driven this week for the bridge over the Kalamazoo River in the west part of the city where the electric road will cross it.” “George Potter who was so unfortunate as to freeze one of his feet about two weeks ago, is still unable to wear a shoe on the affected member. His foot was frozen while on a sleigh ride and he did not realize its condition until too late.”

January 16, 1902: “At the council meeting Monday night encouraging progress was made toward the establishment of a municipal lighting plant in connection with the water works.” “The new manufacturing industry with which Albion is now to be favored will be known as the Hough, Brundage Manufacturing Company. The engine which will be manufactured is designed by Mr. Hough, formerly of the firm of Olds & Hough...The company has purchased of W. M. Loder a site on the corner of Clinton St. and Michigan Avenue, just east of the marble works owned by Mr. Sebastian. Their land extends to the gas plant and will allow plenty of room for expansion.” “Wanted: A good servant girl at 105 Irwin Avenue.”

“Albion is to lose two of her most prominent society young people in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirke White, Jr., who will go to Detroit next week to make their home. Mr. White will engage in business in Detroit, but will not sever his business relations in this city for the present.”

“To Prospect for Coal. Several years ago, while digging on his farm, James Barry, living northwest of the city, discovered traces of coal. His curiosity was aroused and he investigated further, finding the vein to be 18 inches thick. Contracts have been made with several farmers to allow a company, whose personnel is not known here, to make tests to see if coal exists in quantities that will warrant carrying on mining operations.”

January 30, 1902: “Born to Mr. & Mrs. William Eagen January 17, a nine pound boy.” “Howard & Smith of the Howard Meat Co. wish to announce that they have no meat wagon on the road.” “It is reported that the college will receive $400 from the Boland electric road people for a strip of land along the north side of Winter-Lau athletic field. Albion athletic events will be advertised by banners carried on the cars running between Ann Arbor and Kalamazoo, and a depot will be built near Winter-Lau field to accommodate the crowds that will come to attend the athletic contests of various kinds.” “Mr. Charles Dalrymple addressed the council Monday night on behalf of the school board concerning the transfer of certain money from the dog fund to the use of the public schools.”

“It is reported that two brothers, Paul W. and Samuel Schenck, formerly of this city, have struck it rich by a small investment in gold mines in Arizona. The prospects are very good for their fortunes to soon mount into the millions.” “Committees from the Springport and Parma telephone companies have been in this city conferring with the business men’s committee with the view of connecting the telephone lines of those places with the co-operative exchange here, if one is established. These towns are very anxious to have such telephone connections with Albion.”

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