Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, October 27, 2002, pg. 11

It was sad to learn of the news that the only bank in Springport is scheduled to close in the middle of November. There has been a bank in Springport dating back to the 19th century, and for many years the old Springport State Savings Bank was well known in our area. A town without a bank is like a city without a hospital--it effects everyone and you have to drive 10 miles to the nearest one in order to receive the type of service you use to receive locally. We wish Springport the best in wooing another financial institution inside its borders to fill the void the closing will create for those in the Springport-Duck Lake area.

The history of Springport is covered in the out-of-print book “From Oyers Corners to Springport,” published in 1976 (of which yours truly still needs a copy). We did a feature about this village in the August 12, 2001 edition of this column, focusing on a 19th century photograph of the downtown district and the large “Undertaker” sign which was once prominent there. This article is also published on the www.albionmich.com web site.

Through the years I’ve accumulated bits and pieces of information and memorabilia about this community located 10 miles northeast of Albion. In looking through my Springport file, I find several items included, such as: 1) an obituary from 1916 bearing a front page headline that states: “Springport Woman Burned to Crisp” which we won’t reprint in this family column; 2) a 1913 check that was cashed and stamped on back by the “Springport State Savings Bank, W. J. Deyoe, Cashier;” 3) several original photographs of the 1911 tornado which hit the Springport area; 4) a colorful 1939 advertising letter from the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation of Cincinnatti, Ohio encouraging people to purchase their products at the Springport Elevator Company; 5) and a 1971 calendar from the Springport Health Center.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a 1939 advertisement of the Springport State Savings Bank, whose motto was “A Home Bank for Home People.”

1939 Advertisement for the Springport State Savings Bank


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