Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, March 30, 2003, pg. 2

There’s a relatively new history and genealogy club that’s been meeting for a couple of years at the Clarence Township Hall near Duck Lake. It’s called the Duke Lake Area History-Genealogy Group, and they’ve been holding their meetings the first Sunday of each month at 1 p.m. This is a hearty informal group of area persons interested in history and/or genealogy. The Duck Lake area, of course contains many “boundaries” i.e., telephone, postal, schools, county lines, etc., and so one of the “rules” the club has set is to erase the boundaries when it comes to history a nd genealogy topics. Many of the residents of the Duck Lake area used to be Albionites or their ancestors were from Albion or went to school there. Others have interests in Paretello, Brookfield, Olivet, Springport, and adjoining areas. So there’s something for everyone at their meetings.

The reason I’m mentioning this here is that the DLAHGG will be holding its second annual History-Genealogy Open House Exhibition on Sunday, April 6 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Clarence Township Hall, 27052 R Drive North. There will be displays of old historical photographs, family bibles, family genealogies, old atlases and history books and other stuff by interested persons. There will also be historical and genealogical materials available for sale at this event. I encourage our readers to come and bring your “stuff” for “show and tell.” Make plans to attend; admission is free. Yours truly will be there. For more information about this event, contact Larry Randall at: lrand@voyager.net, or (517) 857-2387. Larry is also looking for a copy of the 1976 book “Oyers Corners to Springport” for his own personal collection.

In 1919, land along the southeast portion of Duck Lake was sold by the Zabell family to the Albion-Duck Lake Improvement Association. Cottages were erected along the lake and rented through the years as summer residences. The area was known as Zabell’s Landing and later, Albion Landing. Many of these cottages had their own unusual names and signs were posted. In 1948 the property was platted and the cottages were sold. The access road was developed into Country Club Way, and today is prime land in the Duck Lake area. The summer cottages of course were converted into year-round residences as they remain today.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a 1937 postcard entitled, “Albion Landing, Duck Lake, Springport, Michigan.” The scene, looking west towards the lake, shows a grassy knoll in the foreground (owned by John Powers) with cottages along the lake in the distance. Do any of our readers recognize any of the cottages in this photograph? A few have been identified. Just right of center is (using the original owners names) the Henry Bormann cottage. To the right of the tree is the Roscoe DeWeese cottage, followed on the right by the Walter Peabody cottage with an old car in front.

Albion Landing, Duck Lake, Springport, Michigan, 1937 postcard


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