Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, November 23, 2003, Pg. 12

One resource this writer has found fascinating over the years which has greatly helped in the writing of this column are the industry newsletters of local Albion factories. If you have copies of these publications in your attic or wherever that you don’t want, please let me know as I could sure use them. Such titles are the Albion Malleable Iron Company “Circle-A-Tor”, the “Union Steel Messenger”, the Hayes Wheel Company “The Hub,” the Corning Glass “Gaffer,” and the “Gale News” of the Gale Manufacturing Company located on N. Albion St.

The latter publication, Gale News, was published in the 1940s beginning in 1944. How many of our readers remember this newsletter? This was a 4-page publication printed on 11 x 17 high-glossy paper folded in half. The editor was Herb Bauer. Each issue gave a listing of the names company management, supervisory and company department heads. There were columns about sports (mostly boxing and bowling), safety news, and news about employees. Each issue usually had a photograph or two about a company sports team or about a casting made at the plant.

I’ve got only two issues of this publication and am looking for more for my archives. Please contact me if you’ve got some you are willing to part with. (517) 629-5402, or albionfp@hotmail.com. This week from our Historical Notebook we present the front cover of the February, 1948 issue, Volume 4, No. 2. The center photograph states, “The 1947-48 Gale Bowling Team. Front row: Lou Weckman, John Stetler, Alfred L. Hollibaugh. Back row: Carlton Lamphier and Clarence Prue.”

In surveying the articles in this issue, here are some brief excepts: “Albion Golden Glove fans will have two more boxing shows this year. The dates will be announced in the Albion Daily Record. Credit for the manner in which the boxing program has been conducted must go to Galester Ralph Locke. He has trained the boxers and done the matchmaking.” “Kenneth Rausch fell on an icy street and broke a couple of ribs. This happened in Springport several days ago after he had left Gale to go into business in that town. The 30-day clause in the Gale group insurance policy he had held was still in effect. Result: An Aetna check.”

“Marcelino Bocanegra punctured his hand on a stove damper on January 20. The wound became infected and hospitalization resulted.” “Bob Robinson, maintenance department, is back at work after a bout with the flu virus. Ogden Landenberger, suffered the same with tonsillitis added. He is also back on the job.” “New Galesters. Fred Zabonick, cupola; Herb Harmon, maint; Ludwig Haeske, Maint; Paul Doolittle, molding; Rollin Webster, grinding; James Hogle, molding; Willie Johnson and David Kemp, IP; Ed. Guzman and Joe Guzman, maint. Welcome!”

From the March 1948 issue: “Walter Kittinger, Albion outdoor writer, known throughout the state for his syndicated wildlife stories, has launched a new magazine called “Michigan Outdoors.” It will be beamed directly at hunting and fishing devotees who practice their sport within the state.” “The one item in the plant with which Gale folks are most familiar with is the Coca-Cola machine. Did you ever know that the compressor used to cool your cokes is made with several important castings produced by Gale?” “The March meeting of the Albion barbershop’ers will be held at the usual place on Thursday evening, March 18. Norm Murray, club secretary and Gale production manager, is collecting $3 each from Gale members of the SPEBSQUSA.”

Gale News, Feb. 1948


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