Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, October 31, 2004, pg. 18

We continue with our theme of “Albion, 100 Years Ago.” Week ending November 3, 1904: “Tuesday night at about 4 o’clock Mrs. Fred Peabody dropped dead of heart failure. She was one of the best liked women in Albion. A charter member of the L.O.T.M. [Ladies of the Maccabees], and a regular attendant at the Presbyterian church, she was active in social life and numbered her friends by the hundreds. Her maiden name was Helen M. Robinson, and she was born in Albion June 13, 1865. She married Fred Peabody, who for a number of years has been one of the most efficient fire marshals in Michigan.” From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of Nellie (Robinson) Peabody (1865-1904) with her children Genevieve and Walter.

Nellie (Robinson) Peabody (1865-1904) with her children Genevieve and Walter

“The largest apple pie of the year was left at our desk Tuesday. It measures 15½ inches around and is of symmetrical shape. It came from Frank Ludlow’s farm northeast of Albion. We were unable to determine the species.”

“A full mail bag was thrown from the fast train going west through Albion at 10:14 a.m. Tuesday, and fell under the wheels of the train. There were very few whole letters or papers left in the bunch when the car wheels had done their work, and scraps of paper were scattered along the track for 200 yards, and the bag looked like a Gettysburg battle flag. The remnants of letters and papers will be sent to Washington.” “The Albion Mirror thinks the Marshall school officials did a wise thing, when they cut out football and disbanded the team.”

Week ending November 10, 1904: “At the Jacob Wartman home west of town this afternoon will occur the marriage of Mr. Garfield Farley to Miss Mae Wartman; both are Albion residents.” “Fred Gress bought out the Deyoe interests in the grocery firm of Wochholz & Deyoe last week.”

Week ending November 17, 1904: “Maurice Earl, Mechanic St., was given a pleasant surprise Saturday evening, when about sixteen of his friends gathered at his home, the occasion being in honor of his 80th birthday.”

Week ending November 25, 1904: “Very few couples are so highly favored as to spend 60 years of marriage together, but this privilege has been granted to James Foskit and wife, who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home in Albion Saturday, November 12. Mr. and Mrs. Foskit came from Randolph, N.Y. 50 years ago to Albion, where they have since resided. Mr. Foskit being a carpenter has helped erect many of the buildings in and around Albion, and worked on one of the first M.A.C. [Michigan Agricultural College) buildings in Lansing].

“The other day a woman sued for a divorce because her husband insisted on her committing two pages of the dictionary to memory. Most men are well satisfied if their wives can make good coffee and look smart on a small amount of money.”

“James Underwood got ten days in jail for drunk and disorderly conduct in Justice Finch’s court Tuesday. The city jail Monday night was a very merry place. Five of Albion’s citizens were sobering up, and anxious relatives flocked around the barred windows to see loved ones paying the price of indiscretion. One mother insisted to the chief of police that her son could not possibly remain there during the night because he had to do the milking in the morning; but he stayed. Underwood was the only one of the five whose offense was considered serious enough to send him up for a short term.”


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Albion 100 Years Ago: December 1904

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