Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, February 4, 2007, pg. 9

We found out that the E-bay auction purchaser of the Albion “Key to the City” that was presented to the late Ann Landers, was Nidia Wolf (see the January 7 edition of this column). Nidia has graciously allowed us to photograph it for our Historical Notebook this week. It turns out that the Key is chrome plated, similar to the bottle openers the Malleable once made.

The Key to the City of Albion, front view

Reverse view

We continue with our theme of “Albion-100 Years Ago.” Week ending February 7, 1907: “Coach Brewer Raps Albion. Says Teams are Always Stoned by Albion Hoodlums. Coach Brewer, in an interview published Monday in a Lansing paper, certainly hands it to Albion College, the faculty and the town. How he must hate us. The following extract is a sample of the entire article: “Athletic Director Brewer continued, the Michigan Athletic Conference has always had to give in every little point to Albion and every time we have played in the Methodist town we have been stoned and clubbed by a band of hoodlums, who, although perhaps not connected with the College, voiced the sentiments of the institution and were allowed to proceed unmolested by the authorities. After the football game on the local field last fall and article came out in an Albion paper which is edited by their assistant coach [i.e. Kennedy], stating that we had attempted to kill Albion’s players and that every time one of their men was down, a local man would kick and jump on him. I wish to deny that report and state that there was not a word of truth in it.”

“The Albion Elastic Caster Company is the latest company in the business world of Albion. This company manufactures the Humphrey Elastic Caster or will as soon as a factory can be built.”

“The proprietors of seven Albion saloons, namely, McGuire Brothers, John McAuliffe, Mr. Eslow, George Helfrick, Boldt Brothers, John G. Fox, and Mr. Steinkraus, were arraigned Monday and pleaded guilty to violation of the liquor law before Judge North and received the following sentences: a $200 fine in each case, or 90 days in the county jail.”

Week ending February 14, 1907: Jacob Thater, who has been living with his wife and children at 208 N. Pearl St., went violently insane last week and for safety was placed in the city jail. He had been showing symptoms of insanity for several days and the culmination came last night when he burned all the children’s clothes. One act was to skin a rat and nail the skin on a telephone pole, to drive away the devil. Application has been made for his lodgment at the Kalamazoo asylum.”

“Willie wailed and Winnie wheezed, while wintry winds whined weirdly. Willie wiggled while Winnie wheezed wretchedly. Wisdom whiskers, winter winds work wheezes. Wherefore we write, ‘Use Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Cure.’ Nothing else is so good. Sold by Hadley H. Sheldon.”

Week ending February 28, 1907. “Poles Don’t Like our Laws. Fight Near Malleable Works Stopped by Police. The subjects of the Czar who hail from Poland held high carnival in their boarding house near the Malleable Iron Works, Saturday night. The boss Polander, who can speak some English, was converted into a mop-rag by his fellow Poles and was beat and kicked until his face and body resembled raw meat. These men have only been in the employ of the Malleable a few days and Saturday night they carried to their quarters a liberal supply of firewater. Officers were called and two arrests were made. The men gave their names as Volcosky and Bokena.”

“The death of John Wiselogel which occurred Thursday night, takes another old settler from Sheridan Township. He was 86 years of age at the time of his death.”


Next 100 Years Ago Article: March 1907

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