Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, September 28, 2008, pg. 11 Coming up next weekend on Saturday, October 4 is a truly “grass roots” event in Albion--the 2nd annual A-Maizing Corn Harvest. Co-sponsored by area farmers and businesses, this relaxing family event features a variety of agricultural-related things to see and do. Come stroll the River Walk in Rieger and Victory Parks, and the Market Place to enjoy a new welcome experience here in Albion. There even is a special commemorative collectible pin that has been issued for the event. From our Historical Notebook this week we present the official 2008 A-Maizing Corn Harvest pin. We’ll see you there. The Official 2008 A-Maizing Corn Harvest Pin We continue with our theme of “Albion, 100 Years Ago.” Week ending October 1, 1908: “The ground under the north pier of the Superior St. bridge at the east end has been found to be very soft and it is necessary to put in 22 foot piles.” “County agent Hillis has been engaged in investigating the case of 10 high school students of Albion, all between the ages of 15 and 17, who are suspected of having painted the high school steps recently.” “Rev. Irl Hicks has just handed out his bunch of weather for October and the preacher is not a bit kind. He is promising snow, frost, hail, sleet and a generally forlorn condition.” “The board of public works is having 15 paving bricks taken from the Superior St. paving. An examination will be made to determine the extent of the wear.” “The cellar and foundation for a fine new home is being built for Mr. Fred Pahl on [312] Irwin Ave. He has the lot just west of the Shields [310] property. “Guilty. That was the verdict of the jury in the circuit court Thursday afternoon in the case against Darwin C. Smith, the former Albion Hotel man, who for a second time was on trial charged with selling liquor without a license. Smith put in a line of soft drinks, among these being a “malt mead,” which Smith admitted he sold on all occasions, and at all times. It was bought from the Anheuser Busch agency of this city. He sold it on holidays, Sundays, and election days, after hours, and to people of all ages and sexes. Detective Hart took the stand Thursday and stated that he and his companion purchased some of the “mead” and turned it over to Sheriff Graham last April. Then it was delivered to Prof. Delos Fall of Albion College, who made a test for alcohol and Thursday he swore that one test showed 3.7 percent alcohol, and another 3.9 percent.” Week ending October 15, 1908. “A small lake is being built in the Riverside Cemetery by Sexton Otto Pahl. It is located on the edge of the new addition and will be 50 feet across. A well is being dug in the center of the proposed lake and if it should be a flowing well, this will be used to feed the pond. Otherwise, city water will be used and the well utilized as a drain. The basin of the little lake will be of cement and it is safe to say that it will be one more beauty spot in the cemetery.” [Note: This is the cemetery fishpond which was converted to a prayer garden in 2007].” Week ending October 22, 1908. “Two hoboes who broke into the Babcock School house Sunday night were repeaters and on Monday night the entered a school house near Springport. The officers arrested them and now they have free board and lodging at the Detroit House of Correction for 65 days. Next 100 Years Ago Article: November 1908 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic