Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, February 1, 2009, Pg. 6 We continue with our theme of “Albion, 100 Years Ago.” Week ending February 4, 1909: “L.B. Wickham is moving his barber shop into the center room of the new Perkins block on the river. The new fixtures which he is installing and the fine bath facilities give him one of the best equipped barber shops in the city.” [Note: this later became the Paquette barber shop].” “Chester Owen, a student at the college was the victim of a slight accident at the chemical laboratory Monday. He was making nitroglycerine and an explosion followed. He received several cuts about the face and one hand was badly burned.” “William Hoffman has assumed the onerous duties of postmaster at Eckford Village. Mr. Willitts also broke ground for the erection of a store building having been unable to close a mutually satisfactory deal with Mr. Hoffman for the sale of his stock of merchandise.” “The Albion National Bank will be open hereafter from 7 am to 8 pm on Gale factory pay days.” “Week ending February 11, 1909: “Uncle Sam to Pay Albion Citizen. The congressional record shows that House Bill No. 21929 has passed the lower house. The bill provides for the payment of $3,000 to Mr. James W. Sears of this city, for the loss of a canal boat which the U.S. government seized way back in 1863 and then permitted it to burn. Mr. Sears is a well known resident of Albion, and is at present living with his daughter, Mrs. George Perkins.” “Miles Barhite of Marengo was arrested Saturday, charging him with the larceny of 18 traps and 9 muskrats on or about November 16 last, to the value of $5.” “Last Saturday, Deputy Game Warden Hoyt found some undersized perch in the Young’s Market and condemned them.” “Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stancroff, of South Albion, entertained at dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beilfuss, Mr. and Mrs. John Fox and sons Leonard and Hilmar; and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rumsey and son Mark.” “Seth Hyney, who has been connected with the First National Bank and later with the Albion National Bank, as assistant cashier for nearly ten years, has tendered his resignation, the same to take effect about March 1. Mr. George Dearing who was formerly with the First National Bank here, and who has been with the People’s National Bank in Jackson, will take Mr. Hyney’s place.” Week ending February 25, 1909: “Judge Porter issued an order in the probate court Monday committing J. D. Gorham, of Marshall, to the Kalamazoo asylum. Mr. Gorham went to Kalamazoo this morning accompanied by C. W. Casper.” Next 100 Years Ago Article: March 1909 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic