Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - JUNE 1910

Morning Star, May 30, 2010, pg. 31

Be sure and attend our Memorial Day parade on Monday, and subsequent services at the Veteran’s Memorial Stage in Riverside Cemetery. Next year’s ceremony may be have to be different because the S. Superior St. bridge by the cemetery is scheduled to be removed and rebuilt in 2011.

We continue with our theme of “Albion, 100 years ago.” Week ending June 2, 1910. “Mrs. Tuchtenhagen sentenced. Gets 30 days in Jail and $100 costs for slandering Mrs. George McCartney. ‘If the costs are not paid, you will serve 45 days additional in the county jail’ Thus spoke Judge North to Mrs. Maude Tuchtenhagen of Homer Saturday afternoon in the circuit court room in Marshall in passing sentence upon her.”

Week ending June 9, 1910. “Farmhouse Burns Near Duck Lake. Acetylene Gas explosion sets fire to John Sine’s residence. Live coals in the ashes taken from a wood stove and thrown into a box in the cellar of John Sine’s fine farm residence a half mile south of Duck Lake in Clarence Township, caused an explosion of an acetylene gas plant, resulting in the destruction of the house by fire about 4:30 Monday afternoon. Mr. Sine has been especially unfortunate as far as fire is concerned, losing all his buildings by fire nine years ago, and another house the year following.”

“Complaints are coming in from residents of N. Eaton St. that the dogs are becoming plenty numerous in that neighborhood as well as more than sufficiently vicious, the frisky canines making a regular pastime of tearing up flower beds, gardens and lawns.”

Week ending June 16, 1910. “Jess Tuthill found in lake. Body found near dock at Montcalm Lake late Saturday night, Inquest tomorrow. Jesse Tuthill, a familiar character in this section, is no more, having met a sudden death late Saturday evening at Montcalm Lake near which he lived. It is the opinion of those who were on the scene that Mr. Tuthill came to his death through an attack of heart trouble, and fell into the shallow water, as it is improbable that he would have drowned in a foot of water. No water was discovered in his lungs, which fact tends to confirm the theory of heart trouble. The victim had been drinking some during the afternoon and evening.”

“Pardon Signed for Charles R. Mains. Mr. H. F. Gilbert informs us that according to Charles R. Mains’ brother of Jackson, President Taft has signed a pardon releasing Charles R. Mains from the custody of the federal authorities in Washington DC and he would return to Calhoun Co. within a week or ten days. While he was conceded to be one of the most brilliant members of the Calhoun Co. bar, Charles Mains was the subject of such serious charges that he finally left Battle Creek, going to California and later to Alaska. In a quarrel over a mining claim, he shot a man, but it is stated in signing the pardon, President Taft took the ground that Mains had done so in self defense. Mr. Mains is now more than 50 years old and his confinement in the federal prisons has shattered him, mentally and physically.”

Week ending June 23, 1910. “Albion to get new post office. According to the Washington dispatched, Albion is in the bill for an appropriation of $70,000. This is gratifying news to Albion and particularly gratifying to the friends of Congressman Gardner, who feel that politically, this is a very wise move.”

“Those interested in the North Marengo cemetery, are requested to meet there Friday at 1 o’clock, and assist in burning the grass, as it is impossible to mow it. Albert Arman, president.”

“Marshal Cooper has two gangs of men at work on the streets of the city, one on Maple St., where they are preparing for a thorough grading of the roadbed, and the other on Dalrymple Boulevard putting in the grade for a new sidewalk between Erie and Mechanic St's. In addition to this, Lige Hoyt is busy cutting the noxious weeds about the streets and market place.”

Week ending June 30, 1910. “Battle Creek. Free Methodist or Baseball Fan? Free Methodists…who are in session here, claim to have just effected 40 cures of everything from dyspepsia to nervous prostration, during the past 24 hours. They followed the anointing idea of Bible times. The sick people gathered around an altar and were treated with olive oil, after which they received a blessing. They then walked away declaring that they had been cured of their ills. That church people have as much right to yell when they are moved by religious enthusiasm as baseball fans have when the home team makes a hit, was argued by Bishop A. Sellow of Jamestown, NY in an address before the Tri-State encampment of Free Methodists here last night. Bishop Sellow severely criticized the local police for their efforts to check the noisy enthusiasm of the encampment.


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