Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - DECEMBER 1911

Morning Star, November 27, 2011, pg. 13

It's great to see the improvements made by Albion College this fall with the decorative signage and sidewalks at Cass and Hannah Sts. Why, they even painted the fire hydrants on campus. Now the fire hydrants in the rest of the city need painting. That might make a good eagle scout project or an Albion Volunteer Center project for next year.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present another unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photo from probably the early 1960s from the files of the Albion Evening Recorder. If you know who this couple is, please let me know at: Albionfp@hotmail.com, or (517) 629-5402.

Unidentified Couple

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending December 7, 1911: "It is with pleasure that we announce today the completion of the very pleasant task of erecting a monument to the memory of Honorable Jesse Crowell [in Riverside Cemetery]…The monument is of Barrie Granite, from Barrie, Vermont. The funds have been given mostly in small amounts. This amount was placed in the National Bank of Albion. The entire cost of the monument is $285 dollars. George Harry purchased the stones and did the work. We are glad to announce that $18 was left over all expenses. This was turned over to the Cemetery Board."

"A.J. Brosseau has purchased the Hartung farm, part of which lies inside the city limits just beyond the old fair grounds. The farm consists of 120 acres, and the house stands on the top of "Dickie Hill."

"William Kopp has opened headquarters in the front room of the Gildart printing office and intends to compete for patronage in the line of electric wiring and all kinds of electric work."

Week ending December 21, 1911: "Leonard Kinney, one of the oldest and most respected inhabitants of this vicinity, is very ill as his home in South Albion."

"A recent issue of the Anaconda, Montana "Standard" contains a likeness and sketch of Levis S. Wild, a man who was born and reared in this city, leaving hear in 1861. He has attained considerable prominence in the world of telegraphy, at present holding the position of general manager of the Western Union offices at Butte, Montana. He has come back to this city several times to visit. The remains of his grandfather, who bore the same name, are interred in the cemetery at Riverside."

"Homer's new water system is in the courts already. Judge North issuing an order restraining the village officials from shutting off the water of Windy Acre farm near there, which the proprietor is Leslie Mount. When the water works were constructed, Mr. Mount called for a larger size meter, and he claims this was to be furnished without extra charge, but after the pipe had been laid he was presented with a bill for $28."

Week ending December 28, 1911: "The Hotel Albion was sold Saturday by the present landlord E.S. Richardson, to L. S. Pearson of Chicago, an experienced hotel man."

"The annual reunion of the Adams family was held Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams of Superior St. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Chicago, M/M David Adams, and Isaac Adams of Aurora, IL, etc."

"The money of the Methodist Brotherhood went a long way toward providing a happy Christmas for a large number of needy folk throughout the city."

December 29 & 30, 1911 summary: U.S. Bank Examiner Herbert E. Johnson, in a routine inspection, uncovers a $325,000 forgery scheme at the Albion National Bank instituted by the cashier, Henry Montgomery Dearing. The last day of business at the bank was Saturday, December 30, 1911, which closed at its normal 9 pm. At 8 pm. that evening, assistant cashier George Vail Dearing (son of H.M.) became suspicious because the Bank Examiner was staying too long. He promptly withdrew the funds of his wife, his son, and the money of the Methodist Brotherhood, of which he was the treasurer, from the bank. [Lots more next month about Albion's biggest bank scandal].


Next 100 Years Ago Article: January 1912

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