Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, April 13, 2014, pg. 4 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending April 2, 1914: "Tuesday of this week, March 31, was a big day at Albion’s largest retail establishment, Bullen’s Big Busy Store., for on that day occurred the 20th anniversary of the entrance of George T. Bullen into Albion’s business circles as the head of his own dry goods concern." "Arthur Ellerby, who lives east of the city on the Jackson Road [Note: present day location of Five Points Veterinary Hospital] lost five valuable blooded chickens Monday night, and an investigation has been started by the local authorities to determine the authorship of the theft." "The Mishawaka house movers completed their task of moving the Haag house from the post office site to the lot owned by John Haag on Michigan Avenue, Monday afternoon." "A timely suggestion has been put forward to the effect that the best brick from the Superior St. pavement which will have to be rebuilt in the near future, be used for the paving of the alleys back of the Superior St. stores." Week ending April 9, 1914. Local election results: "Democrats take all but three city offices, the present administration returned by big majority. Mayor: Charles H. Burnett. Clerk: Willard R. Noyes. Treasurer: Hamilton White. Justice: Walter M. Watson." [Note: all Democrats.] Week ending April 16, 1914: "Albion Churchmen are Wage Earners. If anyone has the impression that the working men of Albion are not interested in and connected with the churches he would have been surprised at the forest of strong arms that shot into the air last night when the evangelist said "I wonder what proportion of the men in this congregation work for a living." "The house belonging to Dr. Ramsdell located at the corner of Hannah St. and Michigan Ave. is being moved four miles into the country to be converted into a tenant house on the Abbott farm east of the city." "Joseph Ruff and his daughter, Mrs. R. H. Kingsnorth, returned Friday evening from Pittsburg Landing, Tenn, where they attended the celebration of the anniversary of the Battle of Shiloh, in which Mr. Ruff took part." Week ending April 23, 1914: "Can’t Talk with His Own Mother. Although she is here in person, is the guest of her son, Richard Penzotti, a student in the College and has all the normal faculties of ordinary human beings, Mrs. F. G. Penzotti is unable to converse wither son without the aid of an interpreter, who in this case is her daughter, Miss Cecilia Penzotti, who is also visiting here. The reason for this seemingly strange condition of affairs lies in the fact that Mrs. Penzotti who is of Spanish descent is unable to speak English having lived in a Spanish country all her life, while her son was raised in this country and can speak no Spanish. When his mother and sister arrived in Albion this week from their home in Buenos Aires South America, the son saw his mother for the first time in 14 years, their last meeting being when he was but a mere boy." "An impressive wedding service at St John’s Church Tuesday a.m. at 8 o’clock marked the marriage of Francisco Calvaruso and Miss Daniana Calvaruso, two young members of the local Italian colony…The groom has been in this country about two years and is employed in a local factory." Week ending April 30, 1914. "The Union Steel Screen Company closed a deal in which the local company receives all the patterns, stock, machinery and other equipment necessary to the manufacture of the New Improved Wolcott Windmill, formerly made by the Cook Manufacturing Company." "Hon. Washington Gardner, commander-in-chief of the G.A.R. passed final judgment Monday on the design for badges for the delegates to the national encampment and the contract was let to Guy B. Cady, Detroit, representative for a New York firm [Bastian Brothers]. The delegate badge is in three parts, linked together with chains. The bottom is a medallion bearing a bas-relief of the commander-in-chief. In the center scroll is a reproduction of Cadillac in his canoe. The top is a fancy design combining the eagle and the flag." From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of that badge, featuring our own Washington Gardner on the bottom portion. 1914 Washington Gardner GAR Badge Next: ARBOR DAY, 1955 Next 100 Years Ago Article: May 1914 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic