Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, September 28, 2014, pg. 2 We continue with our theme of "Albion 100 Years Ago." Week ending October 1, 1914. "The Starr Home Needs Your Help. The people of Albion must awaken to the fact that a splendid work is being done by Boy’s Commonwealth at Mt. Calm Lake. Just a couple of miles west of Albion on the shores of Mt. Calm Lake is a home for boys, the Starr Commonwealth, which is as useful and good-accomplishing an institution as may be found anywhere in this country. Here Mr. and Mrs. Starr both of whom have consecrated their lives to the uplifting of boys who lack a good start in life, take so-called incorrigible youngsters into their care, teach them, give them every advantage of a real home and eventually turn them out into the world to become extremely useful members of society…The Starrs need aid in carrying out their most praise worthy work. They want money more than anything else, as funds will be needed to develop the Commonwealth into what it is destined to become some day." "Speros Andritsakes, proprietor of the Albion Confectionery on S. Superior St. and one of the best known of the local men of Greek descent, left Albion Friday to go back to his native land of Greece for a visit lasting about three months." "Byron D. Robinson is planning to move his jewelry stock into the vacant store in the Steel building which was recently purchased from Mr. Steel by E. Floyd Hoaglin. Mr. Robinson will completely renovate the store before going into it." Paul Kover, Wasseon and John Prochuck, and Cregses Kerziuk were creating a big disturbance at the home of Louis Pesch [sic-Ladislav Pacic/Louis Pasick, grandfather of yours truly] on Carson St. Sunday night, when officers Schwer and Taylor, called there by Pesch, entered the house and arrested the four. Before Justice McCutcheon Monday they were assessed fines of $8 and costs of $6.75 each. All paid but Kerziuk who decided he would rather go to jail than pay the money." "The W.C.T.U. restaurant will open again for business tomorrow morning as well as the other parts of the building after being closed for some time because of the quarantine placed on the building." Week ending October 8, 1914: "August Wetzel, who lives out on W. Erie St. has a sauerkraut factory of no mean proportions. He raised several acres of cabbage every year and this year will make, all told, about one hundred barrels of kraut, thirty barrels of which have been contracted for by one grocery in this city. He calls his concern the Home Made Sauer Kraut Company and next summer he intends erecting a building especially for his factory, also greatly increasing his acreage of cabbage." Week ending October 15, 1914: "The question as to where the new city pumping station to supplement the present water works plant was discussed pro and con by the city fathers. They board of public works submitted a recommendation that a tract of land in the western part of the city just west of Albion St. and between the M.C.R. R. tracks and the river be purchased by J.A. Richards for the location of the new plant." "Because he objects to having the teacher say morning prayer in the Ceresco school, Carres Conrey of that village is under arrest, charged with taking his son out of school and breaking the truancy laws. The father’s trial has been set in Battle Creek." "Many people living in the western part of the city have been keeping their children from attending the West Ward School because of the fact that two cases of scarlet fever were recently discovered among the pupils, one being Elwood Taylor, E. Erie. St., and the other, the little Brandt girl who lives on Center St." Week ending October 22, 1914: "Lack of funds has been hindering the proper development of the Jackson Coal Company’s mine on the Boyd property north of Albion. Thousands of tons of good steam coal are said to be embraced in the mine holdings near Albion." "Little Lena Lysher, the two and a half year old sister of Orville and Randall Lysher referred to in a story in Tuesday’s Recorder has found a good home. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Byard, Chauncey St., have taken her, and will keep her until the mother recovers, or if the mother does not recover, will probably adopt her. Mr. and Mrs. Byard have no children of their own." Next 100 Years Ago Article: November 1914 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic