Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, May 8, 2016, pg. 9

In recent months there has been an acceleration of interest and discussion about bicycle lanes, bicycle paths, and bicycle trails in and out of Albion. Even West Erie St. was given bicycle lanes when it was repaved last year. There will supposedly be space made available for some future time for bicycle lanes when downtown Superior St. is reconstructed next year.

There have definitely been changes in bicycle styles and models through the years. When I was growing up, "banana seat" bikes were the fad, and what were formerly called "English bikes" with the front brakes and gear shifts were re-named "ten-speeds." Mountain bikes came along later. We definitely have many Albionities riding bicycles in town.

Bicycle safety of course has always been a priority, even back in the 1960s. From our Historical Notebook this week we present a March, 1968 photograph of Reyniear Staats, coordinator for special projects of the Automobile Club of Michigan, posing with Albion Police Department officer Walter Nichols. Walt attended a seminar in Kalamazoo concerning bicycle safety sponsored by AAA. Notice the banana seat bicycle in the foreground.

Have you gotten your bicycle out for the summer? Happy and safe riding this summer to all our readers, on Albion’s bicycle trails and dedicated bicycle lanes.

March, 1968 photograph of Reyniear Staats with Albion Police Department Officer Walter Nichols


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