Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - JANUARY 1919

Morning Star, January 6, 2019, pg. 10

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." January 1, 1919. Attention Troop No. 1. There will be a New Year's rally tonight at the Methodist church a 7 pm. William N. Viola, Scoutmaster."

January 4, 1919. "The revival campaign will begin at the 11 o'clock service at the A.M.E. Church, W. Cass St. The sermons will be delivered by the Dr. A. R. Adams of Kansas City, Kansas. The pastor extends a cordial invitation to the general public to attend these services. He is anxious that the white people of the city shall hear the evangelist, and for that reason several of services will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church by the kind invitation of Dr. Johns. Rev S.S. Harris, Pastor.

January 6, 1919. "Tomorrow is soldiers movies day in Albion. At noon on Tuesday on the corner of Erie and Superior Streets, will be taken the smiles, the waving of hands, and the familiar faces which are going to live again in real life before our soldier boys in France. These are to be real movies of real Albion relatives and friends of real Albion boys who will witness these movies over in France under the direction of Mr. Dickerson of the Grand Rapids News who is with the soldiers now."

"Former Albion Man Hangs Self Near Jackson. After attacking his wife with a butcher knife Sunday afternoon, Leonard D. Craft, residing three miles north of the city [Jackson] on the Edwin Chanter farm, ended his own life with a rope…Craft is a former Albion resident, having lived on River St. and afterward at the coal mine where he worked. He spent about two years here and worked at different factories and at the coal mine."

"E. M. Mounteer has taken his son, Carl Mounteer, who recently was mustered out of the service, as a partner in his bakery business. The name of the firm will be the same as in the past, "Mounteer's Sanitary Bakery."

"The colored Baptist Church held an enjoyable banquet last evening at the Odd Fellows Hall. Over 300 were present. Speeches of much interest were given by Dr. Evans of Battle Creek, "The Present Condition of the Colored Race," and by Rev. Cable of Hillsdale, "The Future of the Colored People."

"The Albion Garage has added an upholstered limousine to its equipment. This will be used for special parties, weddings, and funerals."

"George Bohm, after just one year's service in Sousa's Band at the Great Lakes Naval training station, ahs received his discharge and is home to resume his former work as manager of the Censor Theatre."

January 9, 1919: "Edward Pietkiewicz of Albion who was given a sentence of 20 days in jail for killing a pheasant at Mt. Calm Lake last week, was released after several of his friends came across with the necessary fine and costs of $30.75. He had served ten days."

January 15, 1919. "The banquet tendered by the Boy Scouts of Troop No. 1 to Troop No. 2 at the Methodist Church last evening was one of the finest boy events that Albion has had in many months. Musical numbers by Glenn Longworth on the violin and by Clarence Wochholz and Ralph Cessna, buglers, were enthusiastically received."

January 24, 1919: "Have Chop Suey with us Saturday evening or perhaps you prefer to come down Sunday Evening. Chop Suey Restaurant, over Van Gorden's."


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