Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, September 6, 2020, pg. 8 We continue with our theme of Albion—100 Years Ago. September 1, 1920. "Work Started on Albion’s New Park. Work on Victory Park has been commenced in earnest, the first work to be done being the grading of the athletic field, which will be located just south of the Forks of the river. This work was done first to get a place ready for flooding for ice skating this winter." September 3, 1920. Mrs. Philip Serio, Michigan Avenue, returned Wednesday evening from Ann Arbor, where she has been for the past two months. She was accompanied by her seven weeks old baby daughter, Vivian and her mother, Mrs. S. Charles Case, who will remain for a short visit. September 8, 1920. Chief of Police Clyde Stoddard made a quiet raid yesterday afternoon at the residence of Aleck Petroski, 708 N. Albion St. where they had reason to believe liquor was being manufactured. Sam Lukie of 911 Austin Avenue is wanted on a charge of manufacturing liquor in his home. Mike Colliski who also lives at 911 Austin is now in the Marshall jail awaiting trial on a similar charge. It is said that both men were operating stills, one downstairs and the other up." "Deputy Sheriff McCarty was in Kalamazoo yesterday and brought back to this city William Stamper, 14-year-old colored boy who was sent to the state hospital from Albion. This afternoon Mr. McCarty went to Lapeer with young Stamper to place him in the state home for the feeble minded." September 9, 1920. "To Divide City of Albion Into Six Precincts. In order to comply with the state law, the city council started action last night to divide the city into six precincts." September 13, 1920. Headline "City Will Vote on Hospital Building. $100,000 bond issue is plan of the board." September 18, 1920: "Victory Park Plan Now on Display. The drawing by C. P. Halligan, M.A.C. expert who has made the plan for Victory Park development, is now on display at the Bullen store." September 27, 1920. "Albion Men Escape Dastardly Plot. Attempts on Lives of Two Officers. What was very plainly an attempt to take the lives of two Albion officers, Deputy George McCarty and Chief of Police Clyde Stoddard was made early Sunday morning when an automobile owned by the former and containing the two officers, in which there were transporting a prisoner to Marshall, was nearly wrecked by a wire cable stretched across Austin Avenue at Albion St." September 28, 1920. "Probably the largest band of gypsies seen in this locality in years passed through the city this morning about 10:30." "Work on the new filling station for the Standard Oil company on Michigan Avenue just east of the Albion garage is progressing rapidly and it was stated today that the building would probably be finished by Monday. Sharn and Caines of this city are the contractors." "City Receives Coal. The city is getting its winter’s supply of coal. Four carloads arrived today and were immediately unloaded under the direction of City Manager Mallory. One carload went to the old water works on E. Cass St. The fire department received nearly one carload. The city library bins were filled and the remained of the consignment received today wen to the water plant on Albion St." September 29, 1920: "Louis Pappas, proprietor of the Sugar Bowl confectionery on S. Superior St., announced today that he had sold out his business to the Dagalis Brothers of Lansing. The new proprietors have been in the candy-making business for the past ten years." September 30, 1920: "Much interest is being evinced among the football fans over the fact that the American Legion of this city is forming a gridiron eleven to be composed entirely of ex-service men, which will engage the Albion College team October 9 on Alumni Field. Most of the proceeds will go to the Patrick Leo Hanlon Post of the Legion." All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic