Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - OCTOBER 1920

We continue with our theme of "Albion—100 Years Ago." October 1, 1920: "New York Central trains have carried several extra coaches the past three days to and from Hillsdale to accommodate people attending the fair."

October 4, 1920: "Dan Kelly, 75, colored, died at 4:30 Sunday morning at the home of his son, Jim Kelly, 706 W. Erie St. as the result of injuries received when he jumped from a Michigan Central train last Thursday afternoon just east of Kalamazoo. The elder Kelly was traveling from Pensacola, FL to join his son in this city, who had secured work here for him. When the train reached Kalamazoo the aged man, becoming confused, tried to get off telling the conductor that it was his stop. The conductor told him to remain on the train but the old man, thinking he was deceived, jumped from the train about a mile east of Kalamazoo [injuries described in article]. Saturday night Kelly was brought to his son’s home here and died Sunday morning."

October 5, 1920. "Discrimination Charged Toward Colored Pupils. It became known today that the colored people of the city had started action against the city school board on the grounds that the board was discriminating against negro school children…The bill of complaint alleges it is said that the local school officials, in order to keep negro pupils in the West Ward, a so-called segregated school, as long as possible were not in many cases allowing them to go from that school to the Central when they had completed the required course of study."

October 6, 1920. "The father of Steve Passic, 12 years old, Albion St., made complaint today to the authorities against a young colored boy about 9 years sold, who injured the Passic lad in the foot with a needle-pointed arrow which he is said to have thrown at him without any provocation. It was alleged also that the colored youngster was threatening the other boy with a razor. It seems that the needle entered the boy’s foot, causing a painful and dangerous wound. It is expected that the colored boy’s parents will settle for Passic’s doctor bill, though no legal action has yet been taken by the authorities.

October 9, 1920. "The big task of placing in underground conduits all telephone wires now on Superior St. between Austin Ave and Ash St. will be started by the Michigan State Telephone Company next week."

October 11, 1920. "Legion Holds College to a Scoreless Tie. Had the football team which represented Patrick Leo Hanlon Post of the American Legion in Saturday’s game at Alumni Field against Albion College had a few more days of preparation to allow its men to get into good condition, the ex-servicemen would have secured an out and out win. And even as it was, the Legionnaires put across a virtual victory, holding the Methodists to a scoreless tie."

October 12, 1920. "It was announced by the Dysinger Sisters, florists, that they were dismantling their greenhouse on E. Erie St., preparatory to retiring from business."

October 13, 1920. "Michigan Central Freight House Destroyed by Fire. The biggest fire that Albion ever had, causing damage of upwards of $100,000 occurred early this morning when the Michigan Central Freight House and its contents, including the Frank Nowlin company’s grain elevator, burned to the ground."

October 15, 1920. "On November 27, Rev. and Mrs. Walter Craighead, missionaries of the local Baptist Church, will sail on the "Olympic" from New York to Russia. The approaching day for their departure is creating considerable interest and enthusiasm on the part of local Baptists and friends."

October 18, 1920: "City Manager Mallory today stated that property owners on paved streets should be more careful about burning leaves on the pavements. A number of complaints have been made that the paving has been damaged by such fires."

October 21, 1920 "City Council Does Little Real Business. Aside from the ordinary routine business, the city council at its regular meeting last evening in the city offices transacted very little business of importance."

October 22, 1920. "The building formerly occupied by Fred A. Avery’s dry-cleaning establishment and offices, on S. Superior St., is being moved by Smith & Rines to the former location of the Gilbert Carpet-cleaning works on the west side of N. Clinton St. next to the River."

October 22, 1920: Headline: "Papers Served on Members of School Board. Officials of Board of Education Summoned to Show Cause Why an Injunction Shall Not be Issued in Colored School Children Case."

October 29, 1920: "Colored People in Political Meetings. "Two political gatherings occurred last night among the colored people of the city. A Republican meeting was held at the colored I.O.O.F lodge rooms at the corner of Erie & Superior Sts. A Democratic meeting is said to have been held, also, at Bethel Baptist Church."


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