Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, April 1, 2001, pg. 2 We continue with our theme of Albion 100 years ago. Week ending April 4, 1901: "The election of last Monday had no special features to distinguish it from that of any other like event. Republicans and Democrats shared almost equally the gifts of the people and the present city council stands evenly divided, which will doubtless often place an embarrassing duty upon its Democratic presiding officer. James Shanley was the voters’ choice for mayor, being elected by a plurality of 93 over C. W. Dalrymple, the Republican candidate for re-election." "On Tuesday noon a couple of well dressed men walked into H. C. Blair’s drug store and purchased two five-cent cigars giving in payment a ten dollar bill, and receiving the correct change. After a moment the one who made the purchase decided that rather than carry the extra bulk of small change he would prefer to pay with a dollar bill. The ten dollar bill and the small coin were accordingly exchanged and the change for the dollar given instead. " April 18, 1901: "Palmer M. Dearing, for several years the cashier of the Commercial & Savings Bank, has been appointed manager of a branch office which the People’s Publishing company of Philadelphia has opened here in the Kessler-Parker Block. Mr. Dearing will have charge of the Michigan agents of this company who will order their stock of him instead of directly from the main house as the office here will carry a large stock." "The Baptist Church society has decided to buy a parsonage. Several places are in view and a decision will be made at their meeting this evening." "Professor Beal had the misfortune to lose 11 fine Belgian hares on Saturday. A dog broke into his rabbitry and made quick work of the animals." "At the WCTU meeting of Tuesday afternoon, Frederico Perez Almiroty, the young Puerto Rican student, gave an interesting address on his native land." "On Friday morning Mike Vetskinski appeared, after an absence of all night, to assure his friends that he was not drowned as they had supposed. Vetskinski and two friends went fishing on the river the evening before and the former, having partaken rather too freely of the cup that cheers and inebriates, fell into the river. His companions returned without him, but he showed up again all right and apparently none the worse for his bath." "Word was received here last evening of the death of Carl Schumacher which occurred at Zanesville, Ohio at 7:30 o’clock. Mr. Schumacher and his son have been in Zanesville during the winter engaged in bridge building. About a week ago he was taken ill with a complication of troubles and on Saturday last his eldest daughter, Mrs. Albert Bearman, went to attend him. He continued to grow worse, and on Tuesday Fred W. Schumacher was called to his bedside. For the past 25 years Mr. Schumacher has been one of the most highly respected citizens of Albion." April 25, 1901. "Commercial Hotel Closed. For the first time in many years the Commercial Hotel has closed its doors and the traveling public will now find but one hostelry in Albion. J. J. Powers, who for the past three years has had the management of this hotel, will devote his entire time to the bottling works which he has recently established on West Cass St." From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of noted Albion builder, Carl Ludwig Schumacher (1840-1901) who died 100 years ago this month. Carl Ludwig Schumacher (1840-1901) Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles. Next 100 Years Ago article:MAY 1901 Next: U.S. CENSUS IN ALBION All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic