Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - August 1901

Morning Star, August 5, 2001, pg. 4

We continue with our theme of Albion, 100 Years ago. Week ending August 1, 1901: "Early last week Fred Sebastian, proprietor of the European Hotel, discharged an employee named William Ver Plank. Mrs. Sebastian did not like to see him go. On Thursday her husband went fishing and then Mrs. Sebastian took a lot of household goods from the hotel and billed them to Chicago. Other hotel employees thought this strange and sent for her husband...Then a compromising letter was found, which had been accidently left behind, connecting her going away with that of Ver Plank. On the following morning Sebastian swore out papers charging the pair with a serious offense, and together with Constable Austin, followed her. They were located together in Chicago at the house of a relative of Ver Plank’s, arrested as fugitives form justice, and induced to waive requisition papers and returned to Albion."

"Charles Bell, age 36, and employed on the farm of John Niebelson about 5 miles from Parma, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head Monday afternoon... No particular reason can be assigned to the cause of his suicide as he was apparently living a happy and contented life with his wife and four children, which constituted his family, and from the fact of his Christian Science views and that on last Saturday he took a large dose of morphine which his stomach was unable to retain it is thought he was putting to a practical demonstration his peculiar theories of Christian Science, believing that he would not and therefore could not die by his own hand. He took out an insurance policy in the A. O. U. W. a few months ago for $2,000."

"Residents near the electric alarm bells which were recently placed at the Erie and Porter St. crossings of the Michigan Central Railroad have been much annoyed lately at the continuous ringing of the bells. It is supposed that the bells are out of order." "A resolution proposing a street fair to be held at Albion this fall was presented at the council meeting this week, but it did not receive very enthusiastic support and was voted down."

August 8, 1901: "The Albion Guards. Military Company Organized in Albion. Hope to Join National Guards. For some time several of the young men of this city have felt the need of a well organized military company which should be under the direction of a trained officer...As a result of this desire William Waldron started a movement looking towards the organization of such a company...and an enthusiastic preliminary meeting was held in the council rooms last Thursday evening which was attended by about 100 young men...About 60 have enrolled as members of the company which has adopted the name of The Albion Guards and hopes to be well enough disciplined to be taken into the state militia in the spring."

August 15, 1901: "On Thursday last the members of the Godfrey family residing in this and adjoining states enjoyed their annual reunion at Coldspring Park near Marshall. It was the 15th reunion held by this family and was thoroughly enjoyed by the 92 participants who were present of whom the eldest was Holmes Godfrey of Parma, who was born in 1819."

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