Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - October 1901

Morning Star, September 30, 2001, pg. 10

My annual Riverside Cemetery Tour will be held on Sunday, October 14 at 1:30 p.m. This year’s tour is entitled "The German Hill Tour of Riverside Cemetery." Mark your calendars and plan to attend the afternoon together with your family.

We continue with our theme of Albion--100 Years Ago. Week ending October 3, 1901: "The Toledo & Northwestern railway recently organized....and elected the following list of officers: president, Warren S. Kessler of Albion; secretary, James T. Curnock of Chicago; and treasurer, Eugene P. Robertson of Albion. Provided sufficient material can be obtained work will be commenced soon and pushed to completion. It is evident that the electric road people believe that the T & N. W. means business as they hurried their road over the former’s grade just west of town last Friday night."

"The baseball season being over, catcher James McGuire of the Brooklyn league team, has returned to Albion. Mrs. McGuire who has been at Brooklyn New York, returned last week." "By a strange coincidence a group of Albion pioneers happened to assemble upon the street the other day, whose combined ages amounted to 378 years, and their combined residence in this city to 310 years. These men were: James C. Eslow who has lived here for 65 years or all of his life, James Peabody 68 years, H. W. Crittenden 65 years, Marcus H. Crane 65 years, and Mr. Phipany 48 years. Mr. Crittenden when 5 years old; Mr. Crane at 18 years; and Mr. Phipany at 41 years of age."

October 10, 1901: "The electric road people have built a shanty hotel on the Mack place west of the city, as a temporary boarding place for the steel gang. It will accommodate 60 men who will lay steel from Albion to Marshall. It will take about two months to do this work." "E. M. Mounteer has sold his bakery and restaurant business to Messrs. Brooks and North. Mr. Mounteer will probably engage in some other business in this city."

"The high school baseball suits which disappeared so mysteriously last summer were as mysteriously returned last Sunday night. They were found Monday in Professor McKone’s barn. The school board has now permitted the football team to play again."

October 17, 1901: "Fred Greenwaldt and Albert Wilkie have put their children in school and are let off on suspended sentences. Charles Greenman and Joseph Weirzbieski were let off on suspended sentence by paying costs, amounting to $6.26, and promising to put their children in school."

"The daughter of a wealthy farmer living near this city was receiving the attentions of a young man in the neighborhood, but she is not any longer, all because she happened to have a diplomatic father. The old folks did not think very kindly of adopting the young man as a son-in-law, and they remonstrated with their daughter about the matter, but all remonstrance seemed useless. They then ceased their talking and adopted new tactics. The young fellow was hired by the father of the girl to work on the farm. He came and lived with the family, and the daughter, seeing the young man in a less favorable light, soon would have nothing to do with him. The farmer is now congratulating himself on his diplomacy."

October 31, 1901: "The first case under Coldwater’s chicken ordinances came up last week, when a woman was charged with allowing her fowls to annoy the neighbors and was fined $5." "Bert Brown of Concord had his arm crushed in a corn husking machine last week Wednesday while working on the Thatcher farm. It was found necessary to amputate the arm between the elbow and shoulder. Dr. Ramsdell performed the operation." "The electric road people want the Michigan Central to allow them to attach a temporary track to the Central at the second crossing west of the city to be used to run their cars onto the electric road. The company is building a spur track to their gravel bed on E. A. Ismon’s farm."

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