Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - APRIL 1903

Morning Star, April 6, 2003, pg. 3

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending April 2, 1903. “Considerable excitement was created Monday afternoon [March 30] when the first electric car passed through the city. It was drawn by a small locomotive, however, but that made the novelty of the thing none the less. It was accompanied by a conductor and a motorman and one or two officials of the road, who were making a tour of inspection. Several Albionites boarded the car and rode out as far as the car barns.. The brick car barns west of the city are going up rapidly and the office building is entirely completed. A series of sidetracks are being laid to the barns.”

“Real Estate Transactions. Chauncey J. Rumsey to Edward D. Hoisinger, lot 1, block 101, Warner’s addition, Albion, $400; Stephen A. Doty to Charles E. Chapman, 20 acres, sec 35, Homer, $650.” “A dentist’s meeting. The Southwestern Michigan Dental Society Held a Two Days’ Meeting Here This Week. Those happy looking men, with yellow badges on their coats, who were seen on our streets during Tuesday and Wednesday, were dentists attending the semi-annual meeting of the Southwestern Michigan Dental society, the sessions of which were held in the Kessler-Parker block.”

April 9, 1903: “Another Pioneer Gone. Henry W. Crittenden died shortly after 6 o’clock Monday evening. Mr. Crittenden received his early education in the old college bell house, which was then situated where the gymnasium now stands. This building was several years ago moved to the land opposite Wilder & Son’s lumber yard. Mr. Crittenden was later a student of Albion College. He always took an active interest in politics in Republican circles, having been one of the founders of the party ‘under the oaks’ at Jackson. He was married in 1852 to Miss Sophia S. Stowell, whose parents then lived in the first house south of Newburg mill.”

“Within the last week no less than three dogs have gone mad right here in Homer. The three were all killed. In one case the dog was so rabid he chewed the sides of the box in which he was confined to bits, leaving only the floor. To make matters worse he was fighting with other dogs Saturday night on Main St. and is known to have bitten several other dogs, which sooner or later may be expected to develop symptoms of rabies. The health board is now thoroughly in earnest and no halfway measures will be taken. All dogs not muzzled or confined by Tuesday night will be shot by the proper authorities.”

April 23, 1903. “Newburg Mill Burned. About 1 o’clock last Saturday morning the barking of dogs awakened some of the farmers in the vicinity of Newburg Mill, and looking out of their windows, they saw that that structure was almost entirely enveloped in flames. Newburg Mill was owned by Amsden & Campbell, who purchased it a few years ago to insure the water power for the White Mill which they run in this city. The mill was built in 1843 by Hannah & Johnson, and for a great many years it did active service as a grist and feed mill for the farmers in its vicinity. [From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of the Newburg Mill dam. The Mill is on the far left; it sat on the east side of Newburg Road north of the river.]

April 30, 1903. “Catcher Jim McGuire, veteran of hundreds of hard fought games in the National League and one of the most valuable backstops in baseball, will be a member of the Detroit team during the coming year. He won his battle with the club yesterday, and the organization has advanced him the $800 necessary to purchase his release from Brooklyn. McGuire was telegraphed for yesterday morning, arriving on the first train from his home at Albion.”

“Al Stoddard now has charge of the old Zabell landing at Duck Lake and will run it in first-class shape this season. The hotel has been thoroughly renovated and is ready for use at any time. A steamer and the numerous boats which Mr. Stoddard has to rent will add greatly to the pleasure of picnickers and resorters.”

Newburg Mill dam

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