Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, June 29, 2003, pg. 5

This past week certainly has been one of mixed feelings in our community. The placement and dedication of the early-1950s aerial photograph of the Albion Malleable Iron Company at City Hall certainly brought people together here. The “finality” of the auction of the equipment on Thursday at the Harvard plant on the other hand left no doubt that “all the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.”

For those persons in town this summer for class reunions, I encourage you to obtain a copy of my book “Albion in the 20th Century,” which contains numerous Malleable-related photographs. The book was issued exactly one year ago--ironically one week before the Harvard/Malleable plant closed. Also, these weekly columns are posted on the www.albionmich.com web site.

A few housekeeping items to note. On June 8 we featured a photograph circa 1910 of the Albion Malleable baseball team. We’ve got another identification to add to that photo. In the front row, the second person (leaning with his left elbow on the next guy) is William F. Reichow (1889-1964). In the 1962 Dalrymple School photo published in June 15, the unidentified girl in the bottom row is Ritchie Harris.

With the Malleable being in the forefront of the news, this week from our Historical Notebook we present another classic Malleable photograph, circa 1910. This is of the core room workers. Of the twenty-four persons in the photo, we’ve been able to get six identified. In the front row, the third person is Emil W. Holtz (1887-1959), the grandfather of Larry Ketchum. Next to him on the viewers right with his arms crossed is Frederick F. Bearman (1891-1962), the father of Hilbert Bearman who passed away last December. In the center row, the second person is Otto “Jack” Holtz (1889-1959) and brother of the aformentioned Emil. The fourth person with a moustache and a pole in his hand is Steve Horosko (1885-1947). The sixth person is Emil F. Holtz (1886-1954). This is quite a photo because both Emil Holtz’ are in the same picture. This Emil went on to become superintendent at the Malleable and was president of Homestead Savings and Loan from 1944 to 1954. Next to Emil with a striped shirt is Frank A. Tech (1889-1972). Do you know anyone else in this photograph? Let me know!

I’d like to take the time to thank all our readers who have helped with supplying information for this column, and especially photographs by donating them to yours truly or letting me borrow them for this column. Your support helps make this column possible. I am always on the lookout for Albion historical documents, photographs, and items. You may contact me at: Frank Passic, 900 S. Eaton St., Albion, MI 49224. (517) 629-5402.

Malleable photograph, circa 1910


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