Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - OCTOBER 1903

Morning Star, October 12, 2003, pg. 20

Copies of my tour program, “The Flagholder Tour of Riverside Cemetery” are now available from your truly or at the Albion Chamber of Commerce. This 18-page program is loaded with information, so be sure and get your copy today.

We continue with our theme of Albion-100 Years Ago. Week ending October 1, 1903: “Albion’s big fair, the first in several years, will begin next Tuesday, October 6.” “The work of getting Superior St. down to the proper grade is progressing slowly and the steam roller is following up in its work as fast as possible. A large number of imported laborers arrived Monday and are now at work on the paving job. The laying of the asphalt blocks was begun Monday at the south end of the paving district at the intersection with Ash St.” “Silas Pardee, a well known old resident of this city, died about 10 o’clock Wednesday forenoon at the age of 88 years. For a number of years he has been well known in this city as the owner of a cider mill, which has been run regularly under his supervision every fall.”

“Baptist Rally Day. Rally Day was a great day for the Baptist Sunday School...One of the prettiest exercises was that of the Cradle roll. Mrs. Wells gave a short talk on the objects and history of the Cradle Roll. Then the fathers and mothers were asked to hold up the babies and the school gave them the Chautauqua salute, voting them the prettiest lot of little people ever assembled together. Miss Libbie Pardee read a paper written by Jessie Barry on ‘Why Should a girl come to Sunday School?’”

“Phil Hartung has returned to Albion after a vacation of several weeks and is ready for business again. He brought with him a pair of fox squirrels, about eight weeks old, which he captured before their eyes were open. He has raised them by hand and they are nice fat little fellows. He says that if the city or several individuals will take an interest in the matter, he will be glad to make these squirrels a nucleus for stocking the city.”

“The Albion Handle and Ball Bat Co. express great satisfaction over the increase of their business since locating in Albion. They have increased their force of men and are compelled to run until 9:30 every evening to keep up with their orders. They have also found it necessary to install more machinery and a new lathe is now in transit.”

Week ending October 8, 1903. “A Shocking Death. Mrs. Lulu Mudge was killed Tuesday evening in an automobile accident in Detroit....Mrs. Mudge was born and raised in Albion, the daughter of Ripley Torrey, one of the substantial citizens of this community for many years.” [NOTE: This was the first automobile fatality of a woman in the city of Detroit]

“The electric railroad people have finally decided to pave between their tracks on Superior St. with the same kind of material that is used on the rest of the street. The contractors are accordingly putting in grout up to the rails.” “Ernest Kussrow was arraigned before Justice Lane last Friday morning on complaint of Smith Chatfield for throwing stones at a house occupied by an Italian family and owned by Mr. Chatfield.”

Week ending October 15, 1903: “The case of Frank E. Steele vs. the City of Albion to restrain the city from removing complainant’s weigh scales from Superior St. occupied the circuit court Tuesday and Wednesday of this week...It will now be necessary for all persons having scales on Superior St. to remove the same, which will be an improvement that has been needed for some time. They should be removed at once so the places where they stand can be paved with the rest of the street.” “George T. Bullen has purchased the Brockway Block at the northeast corner of Erie and Superior Streets and will refit and remodel the same into an up-to-date, commodious store for his own use. The sale came as a surprise to the present tenants of the block, and they are at a loss to know where to locate, as there is a scarcity of desirable stores for rent.”

“Jim McGuire has an excellent life sized portrait of himself in baseball costume with the catcher’s outfit lying at his feet. The picture will in the near future be hung in McGuire Brothers saloon. The cost of it was $75 and it is Jim true to life alright.” “The vacant store just north of Power’s livery barn is being repainted and put in first class shape for Philip J. Hartung, who will occupy it soon and conduct an up-to-date photograph gallery, his little stand on W. Porter St. no longer being large enough to accommodate his growing business.”

Week ending October 22, 1903: “Took Poison by Mistake. Miss Mabel Grover, who lives about three miles east of this city, took a seven-grain tablet of corrosive sublimate, or bichloride of mercury, by mistake Wednesday evening soon after leaving the doctor’s office...By prompt and strenuous action the poison was got out of her stomach and her live saved, but not until she had been given a thorough scare which she will not care to go through with again.”

Week ending October 29, 1903: “L. J. Lockwood, a former Albion boy who has been for some time foreman of the Lapeer Press, has bought the Springport Signal. He took the helm of the paper this week as editor and proprietor.”

Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles.

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