Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - AUGUST 1904

Morning Star, August 1, 2004, pg. 10

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a current photograph of a directional sign located along C Drive North headed east approaching 28 Mile Road. Notice the names of the two cities that exiters from I-94 are greeted with when they drive towards our community. Have you noticed it? Both cities seem to be “headed in the same direction,” according to the arrow on this sign, don’t they? Perhaps a more discreet and friendly “Welcome to Albion” sign could be placed nearby in time for the Festival of the Forks for a better “first impression.”

We continue with our theme of Albion, 100 years ago. Week of August 4, 1904: “Homer now has a steamer--purchased from Union City. The common council of the village of Homer deserve commendation and a full measure of praise for their energy in securing for the safety of the inhabitants a fire engine that will do excellent work. The engine is here and the fire department is as happy as a boy with a new toy and well they may be.”

“The city is having a new platform put in the Cass St. reservoir this week. The old one had become unsafe for use, beside the possible danger of tainting the city water with rotting wood. The platform is necessary in order to shut off the wells which feed into the reservoir.”

“The Building and Loan Association re-elected its old officers Monday night. The officers are: L. J. Wolcott, president; Reinhold Schumacher, vice-president; Otis A. Leonard, secretary; James Culkins, recording secretary; Henry Montgomery Dearing, treasurer; and E. R. Loud, attorney. This company is doing a good work for the people of Albion and the present officers have proven their fitness for re-election.”

August 18, 1904: “The editor of the Tekonsha News has in his possession the skull of Chief Te-kon-qua-shaw, the Indian from whom that village derived its name. The old warrior’s remains were dug up by workmen some twenty years ago while excavating for the mill race. At the time of his death there were but three houses in the village, and they were log dwellings and the principal stopping place for travelers at this time was at the red man’s cabin, located on the banks of the St. Joseph River.”

August 25, 1904: “Miss Genevieve Dew of Lansing, and Miss Louise Dew, of New York, are visiting with their brother, Arthur H. Dew on Perry St. Miss Louise Dew is editor of the “Ladie’s World,” a magazine of considerable worth.”

“C. K. Bliss, who has spent a large part of the summer at Duck Lake, informs us that the fishing at the lake is getting poorer every year. He thinks the only way save the fishing features of this beautiful resort is to get the farmers and the people living on the shores of the lake to agree to quit spearing fish. When this is done the state will stock the lake until there will be fish for everybody.”

“Mr. and Mrs. June Landon and son Dwight of Parma made the clerk-force in Bullen’s happy Monday, by bringing in a full basket of fresh fruit. Our reporter sampled one of the largest sweet apples he could find in the basket and is willing to give oath that it was fine.”

Albion Detroit sign on C Drive North approaching 28 Mile Road


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