Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, August 7, 2005, pg. 16

For your information, my annual tour of Riverside Cemetery is scheduled for Sunday, October 9 this year at 1:30 p.m. Mark your calendars. The tour will be entitled “The Terrace View Tour of Riverside Cemetery” and will feature selected graves in the sections along where the word “RIVERSIDE” appears on the side of the hill overlooking the River.

We continue with our theme of “Albion, 100 Years Ago.” Week ending August 3, 1905: August Behling, well known in Albion, shot and killed himself Saturday while in a row boat on the Kalamazoo River. As he was in the best of spirits when he left his business in Concord, about 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon, there is no question but that the shooting was accidental. Mr. Behling, who was in the saloon business in Concord with his brother, went out to fish and took his gun along.”

Week ending August 10, 1905: “New Station for Electric. Arrangements have been completed between Mr. Gale and the Jackson Battle Creek Traction Company for the use of the building, formerly Staple’s Shoe Store, as a passenger station. Mr. Gale is rushing the work of remodeling and expects to have the room in shape for occupancy by September 1st. A new warehouse for freight will be built back of the building and the spur from Erie St. extended to reach the warehouse.”

“Mr. Webster H. Pierce, who has been principal of the Albion schools for the past three years, has accepted a position as superintendent of schools in Adrian. Professor Pierce has made an enviable reputation in Albion and while we regret to lose him, we have only the best wishes for his future success. L.R. McDiarmid was elected to fill his place.”

Week ending August 17, 1905: “Mrs. Harry Parker [Theodosia Gardner] was called to Chicago today on account of the illness of her brother’s wife, Mrs. Carleton Gardner. Mrs. Gardner has undergone a very serious operation, and although her life was in great danger, it is now thought that she will recover.”

“The new freight house which Mr. Gale is building in the rear of the new traction station will have over 1200 square feet of floor space. George Dean is building the foundation and the Weston boys will do the carpenter work.”

Week ending August 24, 1905: “Doolittle Reunion. The annual reunion and picnic of the Doolittle family was held in the Henry Phelps’ grove in Main St. [Tekonsha] last Thursday, instead of in the Doolittle Woods, so that Monroe Doolittle might have an opportunity to attend. 87 members of the family were present and did justice to a bountiful dinner. Those present from [Albion] were Mr. and Mrs. George Doolittle, Mrs. Phebe Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Fitch, and Milo Allman.”

Week ending August 31, 1905: “The mail boxes all over the country are being painted green. This was ordered by the postmaster general. Nearly all the mail boxes in Albion have received their new coat.”


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