Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, May 7, 2006, pg. 18 We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending May 3, 1906. “Two saloons are closed this week because of failure to put up bonds. William Boldt and Frank Steinkraus’ saloons are the quiet ones. It is reported however that these will soon be opened. An Eaton Rapids man is planning to open the Boldt saloon.” “Warrant out for Pastor. Wife says he abandoned her after becoming smitten on young woman converted by his preaching. Justice Stein has issued a warrant for the arrest of the Rev. Frank J. Holton, a Methodist minister, on the charge of wife abandonment. At his wife’s request, detectives will go to Alliance, Ohio to serve the warrant. Mrs. Holton was Miss Maud Earle, an Albion girl. Her mother lives at 611 Burr Oak St.” “Albion Will Send Aid. Citizens of Albion will respond to the call which comes from San Francisco. At a mass meeting in the WCTU auditorium Thursday evening, a committee was appointed to solicit funds to send to San Francisco [NOTE: San Francisco earthquake]. We suggest that a car load of Albion flour be started west. Union City has just collected $500 for San Francisco. Albion should send $1,000.” “Lohrke Brothers were the lowest bidders for construction of cement walks and were given the contract at the council meeting Tuesday evening.” “George Pritchard, a Leroy Township farmer, was convicted by a jury Friday night after three days’ sensational trial, for starving his cattle to death. He was fined $100. It was the worst case of cruelty to animals ever reported in this county.” “One of Uncle Sams’ mail boxes was broken last Friday night, corner of Center and Albion streets, by small boys and a large stone. The Marshal has been after several who were implicated. This is a serious offense and the small boy must be taught to respect the property of his Uncle Samuel.” Week ending May 10, 1906: “The Commonwealth Power Company is installing a new transformer of a larger capacity, at their Albion plant. The transformer came from Kalamazoo.” Week ending May 17, 1906: “In circuit court Thursday, Frank Wochholz of this city, who was arrested on complaint of Dr. Dickie of the College, because he kept his saloon open April 17 ten minutes past 10, and who pleaded guilty Monday, was sentenced by Judge North to pay a find of $15 and $10 cost or 30 days in the county jail. He paid.” Week ending May 24, 1906: “Benjamin Baxter Bissell, who has been associated with nearly every newspaper in Calhoun County during the past 40 years, died at the Soldiers’ Home in Grand Rapids, Thursday, May 17, and was laid to rest in Oakridge Cemetery in Marshall. Mr. Bissell was connected with the Albion Recorder in its early days and later published the paper for several years. Later he established the Albion Republican. When the free delivery mail service was instituted at Albion, he was appointed letter carrier, which position he held for about 8 years until he was obliged to resign on account of his age. Mr. Bissell had devoted his life to the profession of journalism. “Health in Albion. Homer C. Blair believes that the problem of long life is solved by proper care of the digestive organs. Let the stomach get out of condition and soon there will be nervousness, irritation, furred tongue, specks before the eyes, weakness, debility, indigestion, and other physical and mental troubles that directly result from a weakened stomach.” Next 100 Years Ago Article: JUNE 1906 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic