Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, July 23, 2006, pg. 5

To all the readers of this column: You’ve probably noticed some “newer” photographs in this column during the past several months that date from the 1950s and 1960s. That’s because during this time I’ve been preparing my new book and wanted to share a few of these photographs with you first. I am now happy to announce the publication of my latest book “GROWING UP IN ALBION,” which is a 128-page pictorial focusing on Albion’s “boom” period of the 1950s and 1960s. This book is especially for the “baby boomer” generation which grew up here during these memorable times.

The majority of the photographs in this book came from original 4 x 5”black and white negatives from either the former Albion Evening Recorder newspaper, or the old Albion Malleable Iron Company. Some have never been published before. There are five chapters in the book: Around Town; Businesses; Industries; Schools; and Recreation and Sports.

I know you will like this book. I ask that you e-mail your friends, family and former Albion High School classmates across the country informing them of this new book. Please spread the word. I have a news release prepared I can send you by e-mail if you wish which you can forward to them over the internet. My e-mail is: Albionfp@hotmail.com. A news release and more information is also published on the www.Albionmich.com website. Thank you for helping me in this way.

I would like to take the time to thank all of you who have helped me make identifications on these precious photographs over the past several months. This has allowed the book to be complete. Without you the identities would have been lost. An index to the book has been prepared by indexer Robin James, and is published on the www.albionmich.com website, where it may be downloaded. Take a look at the index and find out who’s in this book. By the way, remember that 1957 tennis players photograph we featured in this column a few weeks ago? One of our readers, Cal Reed, identified him as a tennis-playing classmate at Albion College: Robert Brubaker, who graduated in 1957. Not in time to be printed in the book, so you can pencil the name in yourself on page 118.

Books are available in person at $25 each plus $1.50 Michigan sales tax for a total of $26.50. You can purchase these from yours truly (I will carry copies with me wherever I go over the next few months), or at the Albion Chamber of Commerce, 416 S. Superior St. By mail in Michigan, the total cost with postage and tax is $31.80, or $30 outside of Michigan. Send your mail orders with check payable to: Frank Passic, 900 S. Eaton St., Albion, MI 49224.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present the cover of GROWING UP IN ALBION. This cover features the classic 1954 photograph of Albion’s Midget League baseball players on their way to a Detroit Tigers baseball game. Since we originally published this photograph in the August 24, 2003 edition of this column, we have been able to get identifications for most all of the boys in line. These are found on page 123 of the book.

Cover of Growing Up in Albion (2006)


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