Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
April 29, 2007, pg. 16 We continue with our theme of “Albion 100 Years Ago.” Week ending May 9, 1907: “Rev. Shannon breaks down. Nervous Strain Too Much. After conducting the revival meeting at the Baptist Church Sunday, the Rev. Dan Shannon broke down, calling down the wrath of God on the people of Albion. He said the people were indifferent...This outburst came after a strong appeal for those who were not saved and wished to be prayed for to stand up. No one responded, and it was the last straw necessary to a nervous breakdown. Rev. Shannon jumped to his feet and his tongue lashed his audience in a most unmerciful manner...Rev. Shannon has preached every night for 22 months, with three sermons each Sunday, and it is believed the strain has been too much for him. His sermon yesterday morning was one of the strongest ever delivered in Albion, and seemed to sap all his energy.” “Clean Up Day A Success. Albion is a Spotless Town Now. Thursday was ‘clean up’ day for Albion, and thousands answered the call and rakes and hoes were kept busy all day. Men who hadn’t handled a rake for years, and whose wives had planned on cleaning up the garden and front yard this spring were seized with the fever and got busy yesterday.” Week ending May 23, 1907: “Albion Pioneer Passes On. Charles Dalrymple, one of Albion’s Most Prominent Men, died Monday Morning. 39 years on School Board. Mr. Dalrymple has been identified with Albion since his early life. He held many positions of trust, including that of Mayor.” “Tuesday Miss Milligan, who works as head trimmer in Miss Crittenden’s millinery store, lost a pocketbook containing about forty dollars. It was found by Harry Nearnburg who lives east of the city and returned.” “The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Pombier to Louis Landenberger was solemnized at the parsonage of St. John’s church by Father Marx on Wednesday afternoon. The couple will live on a farm near Parma.” Week ending May 31, 1907: “Roosevelt in Albion. The greatest man of the century. Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, has stopped twice in Albion in one Day...The regular evening Lake Shore train, to which the President’s car was attached...pulled slowly past Superior St. and stopped. The President appeared on the platform, and a mighty cheer went up from the crowd, placed between six and seven thousand. Congressman Gardner was with him and immediately urged the crowd to keep quiet in order that the President might be heard. Hundreds of people brought their children and held them up to get a glimpse of Teddy.” Next 100 Years Ago Article: June 1907 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic