Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - August 1907

Morning Star, August 5, 2007, pg. 9

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending August 1, 1907: “The Business Men’s Association have made arrangements for a free auction for the benefit of the farmers who come to Albion...If you have anything on your farm you want to exchange for money to the highest bidder, just load it into your wagon and bring it in, bringing it into the Market Place by Saturday afternoon.”

Week ending August 8, 1907: “The Dog Pound is Established.” The City Council at the request of the mayor designated the coal shed at the Water works as a temporary dog pound and dog Warden Hoyt will commence Thursday morning on a grand dog hunt. Every dog found on the streets without a muzzle will be captured and taken to the pound. Unless their owners call within three days and claim them, by paying the city $1.50 for its trouble, the dogs will be started off to the happy hunting grounds.”

Week ending August 15, 1907: Circuit Court News. “Judge North Tuesday morning fined William Cuatt $20 and $15 costs for violation of the liquor law.” “John Miller pleaded guilty to drunk, disorderly and tippler, third offense. Sentence was suspended until the September term.” “The four Macedonians who were arrested for breaking into a Michigan Central car and stealing shoes, were released upon settling, this morning.”

“Black Ditch Once More. Long Suffering Residents Along the Black Ditch Take Hope Again. The Black Ditch, which is too well known to need a description, may be taken care of by the city this summer. This is the word which has gone out and the residents along the ditch who have been shoveling water out of their cellars this summer have taken new home. The Council...authorized the board of Public Works...in devising a system of sewerage and drain for the ditch. A sewer from Eaton St. east to the river is the project which seems to have the most adherents.”

“An alarm was sent in from Hurley Austin’s property on Albion St. this morning and the department made a fast run to the scene of the blaze. A bucket brigade of the Italian Band which plays for the Carnival this week, had the fire under control and the department did not throw water. This is the second alarm from this house this year.”

Week ending August 29, 1907: “Mr. and Mrs. Will Fanning were given a farewell party last Friday evening when they left for their new home in St. Johns.” “Miss Mollie McAuliffe has again purchased the North Side bakery.”


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