Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, December 30, 2007, pg. 14

Happy New Year. This year (1908) marks the 100th anniversary of the great Flood of 1908. We’ll put a different Flood photo in our 100 years ago column for the next few months in addition to our feature topic in March. From our Historical Notebook this week we present a March, 1908 photo of flooded Linden Avenue.

Linden Avenue during the 1908 Flood

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending January 2, 1908: “Fred Colmenter’s horse ran away Saturday morning and scattered milk bottles and the milk wagon. Beyond a badly broken wagon and some disappointed milk customers, no damage was done.”

It is reported that Charles Mains, who received a sentence in a Federal prison in Washington, has been transferred to a prison in Kansas. The prison to which he was first sent was later condemned. When Mains was transferred to Kansas he had his sentence reduced two years as the laws of Kansas do not allow as severe a sentence as the court gave him.”

“L.S. Frye has sold the Nickelodeon theatre which he has so successfully run here for the past year, to Mr. J.A. Pearson of Hastings, and Mr. C.A. Marsh, of Battle Creek.”

Week ending January 9, 1908: “Bert Oxby, of the firm of Oxby & Krenerick grocers, pleaded guilty Saturday before Justice Finch, to the charge of shooting a squirrel. The fine assessed was $10 with costs of $3.70.”

Week ending January 16, 1908: “Sam Daleo, one of the Italian fruit store men left for his home in Sicily Sunday. His wife accompanied him. Mr. Daleo has been ill for the past month with stomach trouble and is returning to his native land in hopes of recovering. He sold his business here to Toneo Cairamdo, who has been in business in Battle Creek.”

“Mrs. Lua Miller has purchased the Temple Theatre and her sons, Charlie and Rowland Miller will have charge. Both of the boys have had experience in the business and we predict success for them.”

Week ending January 30, 1908: “Small-Pox at Marengo. Nine New Cases of Small-Pox Reported at Marengo Today. Dr. Hafford of this city and Dr. Shumway of the State Board of Health went to Marengo today to investigate the small-pox epidemic in that township. A number of new cases were reported from there and the disease is becoming wide spread. A number of the school children of Marengo attend the public schools in this city and the few cases discovered in this city are confined to the students of the public schools with one exception.”

“Albion Boy Honored. Robert Huxford has written home that he has just finished the recent examination in the hospital corps in the United States Navy. Out of a class of 60, Robert stood 2nd in the final averages, the highest standing being 92, while he received a marking of 90.”


Next 100 Years Ago Article: February 1908

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