Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, December 14, 2008, pg. 4

On Wednesday, January 7, 2009, Cascarelli’s at 116 S. Superior St. will celebrate its 100th anniversary at that location with a huge centennial celebration. A variety of themes are being planned for that evening, including space allotted for bananas and banana splits to remind patrons of the fruit dealer years, and when ice cream was sold during Prohibition. Give them a call for reservations and for further information.

The late Robert (the father) and Louis (the son) Cascarelli collected and saved memorabilia through the years. These items have now become historic, and some of them are on display in their establishment. The front display window has also historically been a place to show various items and to promote community causes. Growing up in Albion during the 1960s, I would always enjoy walking by and looking at the historical items that were placed in the window. My favorite was the original 1866 “Bird’s Eye View” of Albion which showed all the buildings that were in our town right after the Civil War.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of the Cascarelli front window taken during World War II. This is a patriotic display encouraging support for War and Defense Bonds. On top is the painted window text which states, “Cigars, Drink Coca Cola, Candy.” Moving down are two American flags on the sides, with an American eagle/flag banner across the width of the area. Below are several posters which state, “Buy Stamps and Bonds,” “These Penneys are Buying a U.S. Savings Bond,” “Buy United States Savings Bonds and Stamps,” “United States Victory for Liberty, U.S. Defense Bonds,” and “Take Your Change in Defense Savings Stamps.” In the center is an American flag and a large Coca-Cola bottle. What could be more patriotic?

The Cascarelli front window during World War II


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