Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, December 28, 2008, pg. 9

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago,” and with it congratulate Cascarelli’s on its 100th anniversary at their location at 116 S. Superior St. as mentioned in this week’s column. The big evening celebration on Wednesday, January 7 is sure to be the social “event of the century.” From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph ca. 1910 of the children of Robert (1856-1932) & Vincenza (Biafore) (1873-1947) Cascarelli. Front row: Joseph Cascarelli (son of Pete Cascarelli; Joseph was raised by his uncle Robert), Frank, and John. Back row: Mike, Mary, Louis, Sophia, and Tony.

The children of Robert (1856-1932) & Vincenza (Biafore) (1873-1947) Cascarelli, ca. 1910

“An important business change took place Thursday evening [January 7, 1909] when Bob Cascarelli, the fruit merchant, purchased the business of John Moll the cigar manufacturer and dealer. Bob Cascarelli will now have one of the best locations in the city and his many patrons will be glad to have him back on Superior St. which he left at the time the flood destroyed his location in the post office block.”

Week ending January 14, 1909: “The 4th annual meeting of the Michigan Pioneer and Historical Society held its first session Tuesday afternoon at Albion. Mayor McAuliffe hailed the organization as a helpful movement, and hoped it would be as permanent as the north wall of the old stone mill which A.P. Gardner and James W. Sheldon bet on years ago, one risking $50 in the form of a vote, that it would collapse in fifty years. But the wall still stands.” [Note: this is the north stone wall of Citizens Bank today]

“Reward of Fifty Dollars. Robert J. Arnold, Native of Springport and Former Homer Boy Deserts Army. Deputy Sheriff Mallory and in fact all the officers in this section of the state Wednesday received a circular letter from the Adjutant General of the Army at Washington DC offering a reward of $50 for the arrest and delivery of Robert J. Arnold, a former Calhoun Co. boy, charged with being a deserter from the Army. The circular contains a front and side view of Arnold and a description of him which will be of interest to the people living in this community.”

“Thursday was the Russian Christmas and 30 Russians and 30 Poles at the Albion Malleable Iron Company celebrated the event. The date for Christmas for the Russians is 13 days later than the Christmas day accepted by many nations. This is due to the difference in counting the exact length of each year and the Russians believe that every 100 years we are ahead of the actual time just one day.”

Week ending January 21, 1909: “Women of city to back hospital. Prior to the announcement by Miss Wade of the discontinuance of her private hospital, an effort had been made by some of the women’s organizations of Albion, to fraternize and devise some means whereby that worthy institution might receive material aid...To that end it was voted to form an organization of the women whose object would be to promote and establish in Albion a public hospital.”

“Fire in Eckford. West Eckford Methodist Church Burned to the ground.” Eckford was visited by a fire about noon Sunday when the West Eckford Methodist church was burned. The church was heated by a furnace and a defective chimney set the building on fire. The fire broke out while Sunday School was being held, but had evidently been burning for some time before any one knew it. The only person hurt was Thomas Reid. He was assisting in fighting the blaze as were all the people in the vicinity. The building was erected in 1865. The pastor of the church is Rev. Goodwin, a student at Albion College. The church will be re-built.”

“Mr. Lad Hayman took Andrew Orzehowski, a Pole, to the County house last Friday. Andrew was sick with tuberculosis and being without funds was sent to the county house.”

Week ending January 28, 1909. “Homer Doctor is Arrested. Dr. Kiblinger, Homer physician, is charged with setting wife’s millinery store on fire. Dr. John Kiblinger, well known physician of Homer village, was arrested Tuesday upon a warrant charging him with arson.”

“Parma Bank short $30,000. That the shortage of funds in the Parma bank has now reached the sum of over $30,000 was shown by the testimony of the receiver, Seymour Godfrey, of Parma, at the examination of William H. Burlesto, cashier of the defunct bank.”


Next 100 Years Ago Article: February 1909

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