Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, February 28, 2010, pg. 13 In our January 24 article we wrote about a stream which ran in the north part of town. From our Historical Notebook this week we discovered a photograph of a small bridge located along that stream. This scene, circa 1915, looks southeast from the intersection of N. Berrien and E. Mulberry Sts. The Union Steel building is on the left. Notice the three men with folded arms. Above the first man is the bridge, located between the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad tracks and W. Mulberry St. The second man with folded arms is John Cooper. A bridge over the stream in the north part of town We continue with our theme of “Albion—100 Years Ago.” Week ending March 10, 1910. “New Fire Gong to be Put in [City Council minutes]….Alderman McCarty recommended that the committee on fire and lighting, together with the chief of the department, should be authorized to purchase an apparatus to sound the fire gong in case of fire. As the conditions are at the present time, when an alarm of fire is received at headquarters, it is necessary for one of the two drivers to step outside and ring the bell, if there is nobody else in the station at the time. This process delays very much the highly important step of hitching up the teams. The recommendation of the committee was adopted.” “Health Officer Foster reports that Mrs. Daleo and the child suffering from scarlet fever have both been isolated carefully and will be maintained in such a state. In addition to this, the store has been thoroughly fumigated. Nick’s brother, Sam is coming on from Detroit to run the business and allow Nick to join his wife in the caring for the sick youngster.” “Last Saturday a warrant was served on Mr. Walter Clark, charging him with permitting high school pupil the use of his pool tables. Mr. Clark appeared before Justice McCutcheon and plead not guilty. His trial was set for March 11.” “Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kutas of the Polish settlement at the Malleable, March 9, a son.” “Lester Seekell, the 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Seekell, met with a painful accident Monday while playing with some powder. He poured out a quantity of it on the ground and just to see what it would do, touched a match to it. The left side of his face is quite badly burned and his left eye injured rather seriously.” “Albion Man Wants Adrian Wife. Mr. J. P. Marsters of this city is advertising for a wife in the Adrian Paper. Mr. Marsters frankly states his age is 50 years, says he owns a 40 acre farm in the fruit belt of Michigan, is an American, a Republican, liberal in thought and thoroughly respectable. He wants a companion who would not object to living on a farm.” Week ending March 17, 1910: “Ex-Postmaster Drops Dead. Prominent Democrat of Springport Dropped dead this morning. Was 71 years of age. This morning about 7 o’clock Mr. Jesse B. Conklin, a well known resident of this village, dropped dead in at his own door. He was postmaster for four years under President Cleveland.” “Something Doing in Quiet Parma. The public dance given by Bert Marble at the opera house last Friday evening brought forth the unusual large crowd and also stirred up no small amount of excitement. It seems that an altercation arose between two young men as to who should receive the attentions of a certain young lady.” Week ending March 24, 1910: “Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Dmetrik, of the Malleable Russian settlement, March 18, a boy.” “The death of Mr. Eugenio Biafore occurred Tuesday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Robert Cascarelli, death being due to pneumonia. He had been working in the Malleable for some time and contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia. He has a wife in Italy and two sons in this country.” Next 100 Years Ago Article: April 1910 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic