Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - October 1910

Morning Star, October 3, 2010, pg. 3

In my latest book "Albion in Review on page 34, add the name of Nikita "Mike Stechuk as the first person in the back row, standing next to Ostop Veramay. Copies of this book are still available at the Albion Chamber of Commerce.

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago. Week ending October 6, 1910: "Mrs. Snyder‘s death to be investigated. Her brother and sister convinced that she was murdered, and that she never committed suicide. Prosecutor Cavanagh went to Duck Lake Sunday to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death of Mrs. Lon Snyder, who passed away at her home in Clarence Township Monday morning. According to the statement of the neighbors, all has not been peaceful in the Snyder home for the last three years or more, and the brother and sister maintain that the husband, 73 years old, has threatened her upon past occasions. As yet the whole affair is largely a matter of family and neighborhood gossip. There is no direct evidence against anyone.

"A decree of divorce was granted by Judge North Thursday in the case of Nettie against James A. Eslow. The plaintiff is given the son James, and received no alimony, but the defendant must support and educate the child.

"A fine of $60 and costs of the same amount or 90 days in the county jail was the sentence imposed on Frank Fiero, convicted of bootlegging in the circuit court by Judge North Monday. Fiero immediately took advantage of the financial end of the penalty.

"Sunday evening, Orie Bow, who is employed at the Gas Plant, suffered a severe burn on his face. He was placing a lid on a retort when the soft coal exploded and a mass of flame came out into his face.

Week ending October 20, 1910: "House No. 7 of the Malleable Iron addition was found to be burning about 11:30 today. The house was occupied by a family of Russians and as near as could be ascertained the fire started from a gasoline stove. Several of the Russians had small sums of money in their clothing and trunks and until these were found the excitement ran high. The house was badly damaged and the household effects were soaked or burned.

"Editor Sibley of the Springport Signal suffered a slight stroke of paralysis yesterday and his paper was brought to Albion today and printed on the Recorder presses. Mr. Sibley has been giving Springport the best paper it ever had and his friends hope for a speedy recovery.

Week ending October 27, 1910: "There are 55 non-resident pupils in the public schools. Of those, 11 are in the 12th grave, 8 in the 11th grade, 14 in the 10th grade, 19 in the 9th grade, and 3 below the high school. The tuition for these pupils is $20 a year.

"John Guthrie of Convis Township, changed his plea to guilty, in Justice G. E. Willitt‘s court Saturday upon the charge of violating the truancy law in keeping his 10 year old son out of school, and promising to see that the boy attended the session regularly. He was released upon the payment of a $5 fine.


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