Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - FEBRUARY 1914

Morning Star, February 2, 2014, pg. 7

We continue with our theme of "Albion 100 Years Ago." Week ending February 5, 1914. "Superior St. Needs Repaving. Marshall Winchell’s men took a whack at the mud on the Superior St. pavement last Thursday afternoon before the freeze-up came, and used the city fire hose to such good advantage that one hardly knew the street Friday…The pavement that was built only about ten years ago is fast crumbling to pieces, and there are big holes and rough places at several places."

"All Albion Went to Church Sunday. The Everybody-go-to-church" plan proved a big success and every church in the city that held services Sunday held forth to a capacity house. It was estimated that at the morning service alone nearly 4,000 people, or half the local population, attended church."

Week ending February 12, 1914: "Lincoln’s birthday was not observed in any special way in Albion. The banks were closed and there were no cases tried in the justice courts, but otherwise conditions were about normal."

"J. Dean Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thomson, Broadwell Avenue, who for the past 15 months has been employed as a government stenographer in the Department of Commerce and Labor at Detroit, resigned his position February 2 to become a private secretary of the sales manager of the Ford Motor Company at $1,500 a year salary."

"Income Tax Man Visits Albion. A special representative of the Internal Revenue Department was in Albion yesterday in the interest of the income tax department, posting up general instructions and passing out blanks which are used to make returns."

"Stanton C. Howard et al of Albion, have commenced suit against Dr. Meta Howard for the division of property located in Albion and the township of Sheridan."

"The Bijou Theatre management is to be commended upon a policy recently adopted whereby the boys of the Starr Commonwealth, at Mont Calm Lake, are to be admitted free of charge to the theatre on one night each week. The boys came down Friday evening for their first picture treat and enjoyed it hugely."

Week ending February 19, 1914: "From a job as a night man at the local office of the M.U.T [Michigan United Traction Company] to the position of general express and passenger agent, the highest position in the traffic department of the interurban railway, is a long stride, but George Bogue Hunt, an Albion boy, has made it within the space of little more than eight years, having just received notification of his appointment as general agent."

"Phone Company Simply Bluffing. That the telephone company is attempting to force the city council to retract their order of nearly a year ago that the company take their poles off Superior St…asking permission to raise the local rates for telephones on account of being compelled to make the proposed improvement, is in the opinion of many Albion citizens a bluff, pure and simple."

"Mrs. Fred Meyers of Eckford, whose husband was struck by an Allegan Division train November 26 at Wilderville and died the next morning, expects to institute a suit for damages against a Marshall saloonist, it is said."

"Casper Kuhn, Abner Cruthers and Fred Shields, all of this city, were arrested Monday on warrants charging them with being disorderly persons. It is said that they kept a number of people awake late Saturday night, on the west side of town, with their singing and yelling."


Next 100 Years Ago Article: March 1914

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