Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, August 2, 2015, pg. 12 Our local Rotary Club has just come out with a new booklet promoting some highlights about our community, including historical aspects. It is a positive and friendly survey about our community and is supported by advertisements from Albion businesses. These have been distributed locally, including at City Hall and at the Farmer’s Market. I encourage our readers to obtain a free copy. We continue with our theme of "Albion—100 Years Ago." Week ending August 5, 1915. "Mrs. E. A. Haeske and daughter Leona returned today to Detroit after a visit of two weeks with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Zick. Mrs. Haeske’s sister went to Detroit with them for a visit of a week." Week ending August 12, 1915: "Frank Podiko blackened the eye of Nestor Kratsko in a passage at arms which occurred in the foreign settlement Tuesday. Nestor retaliated by securing a warrant for Frank on an assault and battery charge. Podiko was arraigned before Justice Watson Wednesday evening and pleaded guilty. He paid a fine of $2 and costs and was dismissed." "Julius Rutz and Hugh Eddy have returned from a trip through the northern part of the state which they visited a brother of the latter. At Hart they visited a brother of the latter. They state that they had an excellent time while on their long journey." August 14, 1915: "Censor Theatre Will Open Saturday. Albion’s new photo play-house is to be opened to the public Saturday. The theatre as completed ranks high as a place for enjoyment." Week ending August 19, 1915: "Dearing Will Be Released December 24. The Calhoun County authorities have been notified to the effect that Henry Montgomery Dearing, cashier of the Albion National Bank, whose misuse of the funds of that institution caused its failure January 2, 1912, will be released from the Federal prison at Leavenworth, Kansas, December 24 of this year…There are a large number of cases on record of alleged forgeries made by Dearing while he was cashier of the defunct bank." "Through the action of the classes of 1910 and 1911 a meeting of all the graduates of Albion High School has been scheduled to take place at the High School building Friday night at 8 o’clock for the purpose of organizing an alumni association. This is the first meeting of its kind held since the year 1900 and should receive the support of every high school graduate." "Sheriff Arrests Liquor Sellers. Sheriff E. J. Mallory is making a systematic effort to eradicate "blind pigs" and boot-legging in Calhoun County and as a part of his crusade against the liquor law violators he came to this city Monday and caused the arrest of three foreigners: two women and one man, who are alleged to have been selling liquor contrary to the statutes. The persons arrested were John Justo and his wife, who live in a flat on the 2nd floor of the Young block on N. Superior St., and Mrs. Mary Voliski, who with her husband and children, occupies a flat in the new Perkins building, directly across from the Young block on the same street…In the case of Mrs. Voliski, it is probably that her husband had a great deal to do with the wholesale selling of wet goods that had been going on there." Week ending August 26, 1915: "Wedding Party ends in Fight. The wedding of Helen Mysekewick and Tom Zela, of the local foreign settlement, which occurred Friday in the office of the county clerk in Marshall was being celebrated…at 712 Austin Avenue, when a fight started which resulted in twelve foreigners being arrested." "Joe Guisynki and Frances Dwornikowski, of the foreign settlement, were arrested today by Deputy Sheriff McCarty on a charge of illegal cohabitation. Mrs. Dwornikowski ran away from her husband in Detroit and came here to live with Joe some time ago." Next 100 Years Ago Article: September 1915 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic