Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, April 3, 2016, pg. 12 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." April 6, 1916: Tomorrow will occur one of the most important events in the history of Albion, that of the laying of the cornerstone of the new Post Office building…Every citizen of Albion of Albion should be interested in the event which will occur about three o’clock tomorrow afternoon." April 14, 1916: "Another poker game was raided about two o’clock Sunday morning. Chief of Police Glenn Greening and his night officers, together with Deputy Sheriff G.U. McCarty who was called in on the case by Chief Greening, made an entrance on the south of the flat in the Perkins Block on N. Superior St. over the River and found six men playing the forbidden game. The six, together with the proprietor of the rooms, Andrew Kaska, were arrested and put in jail over Sunday." April 20, 1916. "Think They Have Italian’s Slayer. Francisco Camiata, an Italian who left Albion shortly after the murder of Ornifero Imperalio, which occurred in this city on the morning of March 28, was brought back from Detroit yesterday by Sheriff E. J. Mallory and Assistant Prosecutor A. F. Cooper and will be arraigned before Justice Walter M. Watson on a charge of Imperalio’s murder." City Council Minutes: "Applications for licenses for four billiard and pool rooms and three soft drink places were granted as follows: Marquis and Randall; Behling Brothers, Boldt Brothers, Rocco Comperchio, James Farrant, William Reichow, and Speros Andritsakes." "A foreigner confined in the city hospital with pneumonia created some excitement when he escaped from the institution Tuesday afternoon, arrayed in a bedspread and a pair of shoes, and walked a couple of blocks before he was overtaken and returned....He was out of his head and had a delusion that someone was pursuing him." "City Manager Remley, Chief of Police Greening and the night officers drove to the foreign settlement in the "Black Maria" Sunday night, about 11 o’clock, and arrested four men at House No. 1 who had engaged in a fight after consuming a quantity of liquor. Joe Bedron, the boarding boss, Thomas Torpel, Frank Novik, and John Boroski were arrested on a charge of assault and battery preferred against them by Mike Wisoki, who said all four had attacked him after they had had an argument over some money that Wisoki had lost. The four were arraigned Monday before Justice Watson and all pleaded guilty." April 27, 1916: "All of Superior St. Will Be Paved. Both sides of Superior St., instead of only the east side, between the bridge and Erie St., will be repaved this summer....Manager Remley has ordered 250,000 paving brick from the Metropolitan Paving Brick Company of Canton, Ohio, at $19.60 per thousand." "A petition was presented from twenty-five business-men located on the east side of Superior St., between Cass and the new bank building, asking that the alley now extending north from E. Erie St. be put through to E. Cass St." Obituaries. "Joseph Sitarski, age 40 of House No. 7 in the foreign colony, died Friday morning at 3 o’clock at the city hospital where he had been sick with pneumonia. He leaves a wife and five children: three sons and two daughters, all of this city. The funeral occurred at St. John’s Church Saturday morning at 9 o’clock , with burial in Riverside Cemetery." "Phil C. Hartung, age 54 years, died at 5:50 Tuesday morning at his home, 313 S. Ionia St. For the past five years or more he had worked at the carpenter trade in this city and prior to that was a professional photographer with a galley on S. Superior St. He was born in New Jersey and leaves a number of relatives there, but had been an Albion resident for the past thirty years." April 30, 1916: "Over 500 people, a large number of them Americans, were present at the laying of the cornerstone of the new Ascension of Christ Church of the Orthodox Greek Catholic faith at the corner of Austin Avenue and Sate Street Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. The event was most successful and marked the beginning of considerable religious activity in the foreign section of the city." Next: ALBION SCHOOL REFUNDING BONDS ISSUED DURING THE GREAT DEPRESSION Next 100 Years Ago Article: MAY 1916 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic