Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - JANUARY 1917

Morning Star, January 1, 2017, pg. 6

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." January 2, 1917: "Commercial Bank’s Splendid New Building Opened to the Public. It's perfect appointments and ultra-modern equipment making of it as complete and up-to-the-minute a banking establishment as any city the size of Albion in this section of the country can boast, the new building of the Commercial & Savings Bank on S. Superior St. was thrown open to the public the afternoon and evening of New Year’s Day."

"Albion’s Veteran Banker is Dead. Eugene P. Robertson, president of the Albion State Bank, former Mayor of the city and one of the best-known Masons in the state, died Sunday afternoon at 2:03 o’clock at his residence, 412 S. Clinton St."

"Over 80 spearing tents were pitched on the ice on Marengo pond Monday, the largest number ever seen there at one time. Over 200 men were out and captured quantities of suckers, mallets and pickerel."

"Billy Banks had an operation for blood poisoning at his home on W. Erie St. this morning. He hurt his finger about two weeks ago while at work at the Malleable Iron plant and his whole arm, so far as the elbow, had become affected."

January 3, 1917: "Negro Woman is Terribly Burned. As the result of the explosion of an oil lamp, Mrs. L. F. Scott, a colored woman living in the rooms on the second floor of the old post office building, corner of Clinton and Porter Sts., is lying in critical condition in the city hospital, terribly burned. Mrs. Scott was filling the lamp, when the oil exploded and flew upon her clothes."

January 4, 1917: "J. Frank Church has rented his farm west of Albion, one of the best in this end of the county, to his son-in-law, Byron Juckett, and will move to Albion about the first of February. The farm consists of 279 acres and was originally surveyed and settled by Mr. Church’s father."

"Lawrence Haynes, living at 314 Arthur St., is in possession of a bunch of keys which he picked up in front of the Baptist Church. The owner can get them by communicating with him."

January 8, 1917: "Thinks Foreigners Ate Diseased Pig. A most deplorable condition in the foreign settlement came to light today when a warrant was issued for John Vermay of 895 Austin Ave on a charge of selling portions of a hog which had been quarantined for the hog cholera."

January 11, 1917: "A consignment of the new half dollars was received today by the Albion State Bank from the U.S. mint in Denver. The new coin is a beauty and compares favorably with the other new specie issued recently. On the date side is a full length figure of a woman representing Liberty. One of the new McKinley gold dollars has also been received at the State Bank. The bank will place the new halves in circulation Saturday. New quarters are to be received also, within a few weeks."

January 12, 1917. "Elevator Company Formed by Farmers. At an enthusiastic meeting attended by nearly 200 farmers in the Woodman Hall Thursday afternoon, the Albion Farmers’Elevator Company was formed…A big feat of the project will be to buy the old brick elevator now on S. Superior St."

January 15, 1917: "Harry McAuliffe’s Grocery Burns. Fire practically ruined the stock and fixtures of the grocery store of Harry McAuliffe, 404 S. Superior St., shortly after midnight Sunday morning."

"Saturday’s Marshall Chronicle said: Ladislaus Walenski and Helen Bogaanska, age 16 of Albion, applied to County Clerk Cady for a marriage license today. Helen is a pretty little Russian girl and too young to marry without her parents’consent. Helen didn’t have any real father to bring along so she brought her "second father"who happened to be her step-father. She introduced him to Mr. Cady as her second father, but his consent wouldn’t do under the statute so the party went back to Albion to secure the mother’s consent."

January 23, 1917: "Josiah D. Bean, well known druggist and former Mayor of this city, passed away at 11:30 o’clock this morning at his residence, 207 W. Erie St. For a score of years Mr. Bean had been in the drug business at the same location in this city, coming here from Edwardsburg, Cass County."

January 27, 1917: "Harry Hendrick, a foreigner charged with selling liquor at his residence in the foreign settlement, was bound over to the circuit court by Justice Wright this morning. He will be tried during the March term."

"George Haynes of this city today settled a judgment and costs amounting to $222 for injuries received by 6-year old Helen Sczechowski, who was run over by Mr. Haynes’automobile on Austin Avenue about three years ago, on a circus day."

January 29, 1917: "Nick Adgeoff, a Macedonian, and Miss Victoria Billinisky, a native of Poland, each 19 years of age, were married today at 1 o’clock, Judge Watson performing the ceremony in his office. The bride and groom will reside in Albion St."


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